Photo Contest

Jeff Genecov

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Photos appearing in

  • Eric Blumrosen, Ralph Robinson, Lenny Davis, Richard Seline, Billy Freed, Barry Zietz, Alfie Meyerson, Michael Rubenstein, Jeff Genecov, Alan Luskey, Stephen Berkman

    RANCH DAYS Best friends for 40 years, this group of UT pledge brothers gets together every November at Billy Freed's ranch in Hondo. Pictured (at their inaugural ranch reunion in 2009) are back row, from left: Eric Blumrosen, Ralph Robinson, Lenny Davis, Richard Seline, Billy Freed, Barry Zietz, Alfie Meyerson and Michael Rubenstein. Front row, from left: Jeff Genecov, Alan Luskey and Stephen Berkman. Not pictured: Robert Glass and Brad Hacker.

    From: It Started at Texas-OU
  • Eric Blumrosen, Richard Seline, Jeff Genecov, Barry Zietz, Brad Hacker, Alfie Meyerson, Ralph Robinson, Stephen Berkman, Michael Rubenstein, Lenny Davis, Billy Freed

    THROUGH IT ALL These college friends attend all of each other's milestones. Here, they are at Polly and Ralph Robinson's daughter's wedding last year. Pictured, from left, are: Eric Blumrosen, Richard Seline, Jeff Genecov, Barry Zietz, Brad Hacker, Alfie Meyerson, Ralph Robinson, Stephen Berkman, Michael Rubenstein, Lenny Davis and Billy Freed.

    From: It Started at Texas-OU

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