Photo Contest

Joe Keathley

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Photos appearing in

  • Joe Keathley, Lynne Langdale, Scott Langdale

    ECLIPSE CHASERS With the ancient Zapotec city of Monte Albán, Oaxaca, Mexico as a backdrop, Joe Keathley, Lynne Langdale (then Lynne Covey) and Scott Langdale point skyward as the great eclipse of 1991 begins.

    From: Countdown to Totality
  • Joe Keathley, Pat Keathley

    SOUTH OF THE BORDER Three of Joe Keathley’s eclipse adventures were in Latin America and the Caribbean. Joe and crew stop for a group photo in the village of Coroico in the Andean foothills of northern Chile. Joe is second from the right, with his hand on wife Pat's shoulder.

    From: Countdown to Totality
  • Joe Keathley

    Joe and friends on the beach on the island of Grande-Terre, Guadeloupe, French West Indies.

    From: Countdown to Totality
  • Joe Keathley

    ECLIPSE SAFARI Joe checks out the progress of the eclipse with a filtered telescope during the group's African adventure in 2001

    From: Countdown to Totality
  • Cappadocia

    The Africa group poses for an eclipse shot

    From: Countdown to Totality
  • Cappadocia's

    The group sets off in a balloon of their own to see Cappadocia's fairyland landscape from above.

    From: Countdown to Totality
  • Joe Keathley

    Joe and the eclipse chasers celebrate the big event in August 2017 at the Wild Dunes Resort in South Carolina

    From: Countdown to Totality