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Kristen Jackson

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  • Alex Jackson, Ginny Jackson, Scott Jackson, Emily Jackson, George Jackson, Kristen Jackson

    Jackson brothers Alex (seated with wife Ginny, at left), Scott (right, with wife Emily), and George (standing, with wife Kristen) all live close to each other on Tangley in West University. Their older sister, Marina Christensen, lives close with her family on Vanderbilt, and their parents, Gil and Katina Jackson, live on Nottingham. (Photo:

    From: Living near family
  • Jackson family

    The Jackson family took time for a photo together last Thanksgiving. Pictured are (first row, from left) Ginny Jackson, Kristen Jackson, Leighton Jackson, Gil Jackson, Brooks Jackson, Katina Jackson, Katina Christensen, Marina Christensen, Davis Jackson, Scott Jackson, Ford Jackson, Emily Jackson; (second row, from left) Alex Jackson, George Jackson, Hughes Jackson (in tree), Andrew Christensen, Alan Christensen and Alexa Christensen (in tree).

    From: Living near family

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