Photo Contest

Mila Taylor

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Photos appearing in

  • The Globe of Science and Innovation

    (Pictured, front row, from left) Riya Murthy, Teddy Easley, Divyesh Khatri, Duc Nguyen, Mila Taylor, Vaani Gupta and Puneetha Goli; (middle row, from left) Dillon Carter, Omar Imtiaz, Roberto Martelli and Pavithr Goli; (back row, from left) Amir Shafiee, Rahul Agarwal, Varun Agarwal, Young Gao, and Jiayu Wu posing in front of The Globe of Science and Innovation, a symbol that represents CERN’s contribution to the fields of science. 

    From: DisCERNing Particles at the Village High School
  • Learning about Houston floods

    The Village School students learning more about the flooding in Houston. Pictured (from left): Varun Agarwal, Aditya Agrawal, Engr. Stephen Costelo, Urvashi Deshpande, Aditya Deshpande, Brylie Peters, Mila Taylor. (Photo: Samantha Desmarais) 

    From: Village Students' Challenge to Reduce Flooding in Houston