Photo Contest

Payton Dennis

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Photos appearing in

  • Payton Dennis, Emily Knight

    Payton Dennis’ Frog (left) speaking to Emily Knight’s Toad (right) about the process of growing a garden.

    From: A Year with Frog and Toad
  • Emily Knight, Payton Dennis

    Emily Knight (left) as Toad, and Payton Dennis (left) as Frog in the final scene of Act I, debating whether or not to eat cookies.

    From: A Year with Frog and Toad
  • Angelina Chaluparambil, Payton Dennis

    (From left) Angelina Chaluparambil and Payton Dennis volunteer at the concession stand at the Duchesne production of A Year in the Life of Frog and Toad. ({hoto: Daniella De Las Casas)

    From: Duchesne Drama for a Good Cause
  • Seniors

    (Back row, from left) Zoe Barinaga, Carolyn Enochs, Brantley Conner, Payton Dennis (front row, from left) Olivia Garrett, Colombe Langrad, Nia Brown, Sydney Fitzgerald, Parker Dennis. (Photo: Halliday Mafrige) 

    From: Love, Your Senior