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Myrt Huerter’s Fantasy Fudge

Myrt Huerter’s Fantasy Fudge

Myrt Huerter’s Fantasy Fudge (Photo:

Three generations – Staci Andrews, Myrt Huerter, Liz Andrews, and Demi Andrews Duggar – gather every year to make Christmas candy. See this story and more recipes here.


3 cups sugar
¾ cup margarine
2 ⁄ 3 cup (5 ¼ ounce can) evaporated milk
1 12-ounce package semisweet chocolate pieces
1 7-ounce jar marshmallow cream
1 cup chopped nuts (Myrt uses pecans)
1 teaspoon vanilla

Recipe directions: 

Combine the sugar, margarine, and milk. Bring to a rolling boil, stirring constantly. Boil 5 minutes (I usually boil about 7) over medium heat or until a candy thermometer reaches 238 degrees (or until a small amount of the mixture forms a soft ball in water), stirring constantly. Remove from the heat, stir in chocolate pieces until melted. Add the marshmallow cream, nuts, and vanilla, and beat until well blended. Pour into a greased 9-inch by 13-inch pan. Cool, and cut into squares. Makes 3 pounds.

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