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Meredith Flaherty

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  • Astros

    Wear your orange and blue and root for our 'Stros! Pictured: Bellaire residents Ross Haggard, Colin Flaherty, Meredith Flaherty, Will Flaherty, Tom Flaherty and Marybeth Flaherty came to support the Astros in the 2019 World Series. Here's hoping we advance to the World Series again this year! (Photo: Joni Hoffman) 

    From: Event Roundup: What to Look Forward to This Weekend
  • Ross Haggard, Colin Flaherty, Meredith Flaherty, Will Flaherty, Tom Flaherty, Marybeth Flaherty,

    Bellaire residents Ross Haggard, Colin Flaherty, Meredith Flaherty, Will Flaherty, Tom Flaherty and Marybeth Flaherty came to support the Astros in the 2019 World Series. (Photo: Joni Hoffman) 

    From: Fans Show Astros Spirit at Minute Maid for World Series