DATE NIGHT Aparna Shewakramani enjoys a date at Bosscat Kitchen & Libations while filming for the Netflix series Indian Matchmaking. (Photo courtesy of Netflix)
Aparna Shewakramani has always been close with her mom Jotika (right) and older sister Vansa (second from right), pictured as a newlywed with husband Darrin. (Photo: Divya Pande)
Aparna Shewakramani grew up in Bellaire and attended Bellaire High School. Here, she sports red and white on the school’s spirit day. (Photo courtesy of Aparna Shewakramani)
Aparna has been enjoying the insightful conversations she’s had with viewers since Indian Matchmaking premiered last week. (Photo courtesy of Aparna Shewakramani)
Aparna is an avid traveler and seems to want a lifelong partner who appreciates that. Here, she’s pictured at the Wadi Rum Desert. (Photo courtesy of Aparna Shewakramani)