Mailbag - May 2014

Field hockey is all about working together. Back row, from left: Jennifer Trieschman, Meghan Mogas, Libby Manela, Kelsey Bing, Kaylie Mings and Reese Vogel; front row, from left: Ellie Gershenwald, Emma Eggleston, Paige Albert and Carson Peacock. (Photo: Kevin Long,
Girls, try field hockey
Dave, thank you very much for writing this article [Taking the Field (Hockey), by Dave Schafer, April 2014] and helping spread the word about the sport of field hockey in our community. It has been a distinct privilege to be associated with Texas Pride since its creation three years ago. As a former athlete, I can testify that this sport is unique in the way it gives back to players in the form of opportunities, fitness, self-esteem, coaching, networking, travel and community service. Parents as well as players have made lifelong friendships. As a mom, the respect that I have for these girls is extraordinary, and their will is inspiring. My hope is that many young girls in Houston will read your article and give field hockey a try so that they too may enjoy the incredible experience that we have had. See you on the pitch!
Stacey Hopwood Manela
Good for the neighborhood
What a delightful surprise it was to see a beautiful photo of my daughter-in-law, granddaughter and son (Gerry, Thalie and Lou Waters, Jr.) on the cover of the March 2014 Bellaire Buzz [Rodeo Chic, by Michelle Casas Groogan]. An added delight are the many communications I have been receiving from longtime friends who also enjoyed the cover photo. Before retiring to the Hill Country, I resided in Southside Place and then Memorial for a total of 60 years and always thrived on friendly camaraderie with my neighbors there. I feel that the neighborhood Buzz magazines are doing a great job at keeping this neighborhood goodwill alive and well with positive, professional journalism and beautiful, happy photography. Thank you!
Wanda Waters
Coffee table worthy
I have to tell you how excited I was to see my friends and clients, the Richardsons, grace the cover of this month’s [Rodeo Chic, The Memorial Buzz, March 2014] issue. They are the perfect Houston, Texas, family to model “rodeo chic.” This issue is pure coffee table material!
Tammy Bateman
Helpful college-financing story
I got lots of great tips from your Affording College article [by Cheryl Laird, January 2014]. The bulleted list provides lots of useful information. I will refer to that list many times. Thanks for your great work at The Buzz.
Amy Murphey
Editor’s note: If you’d like to see this story or any other past article, search our archives.
Pat on the back
Thanks so much for publishing The Buzz; it’s great work, enjoyable to read and something I look forward to receiving. Today there are so many sources for information and entertainment, but The Buzz has consistently found a way to create relevant content which is interesting to folks in our area. Delivering interesting and informative articles about what is going in our community is harder than it seems and even harder to do consistently month after month, year after year. Please let The Buzz team know, “Thank you and well done.”
David Hawes
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