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Name That Tune: Arianna and Elise Radtke

Jenna Mazzoccoli
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Arianna Radtke and Elise Radtke

Arianna Radtke and Elise Radtke, 7th graders at Saint Thomas' Episcopal Church and School, take on this week's Name That Tune.

This week’s Name That Tune is brought to you by Arianna and Elise Radtke, 7th graders at St. Thomas Episcopal School. Arianna and Elise are twins, so they have gotten quite good at playing duets. Read on for excerpts from our interview with Arianna, Elise, and their mom Arlene. Watch their video to see if you can Name That Tune.

Age: 12
School: 7th graders at Saint Thomas' Episcopal School
Instrument: Piano

Do you both play any other instruments?
Elise: I also play cello and Arianna plays violin.
Arlene: You also play drums, Elise. So Elise plays cello and drums and Arianna plays…?
Arianna: Violin and bagpipes.

Did you say the bagpipe?
Arianna: Yes!

How did you learn to take on so many different instruments?
Arlene: They found an interest in instruments at school.

Where did you first hear the bagpipes, Arianna?
Arianna: I don’t really remember where I heard them first!

Well, that’s a really unique instrument for a 12-year-old to play! I’m very impressed.

Are any of your family members musicians, too?
Elise: Our mom and our brother.
Arianna: My mom plays piano and my brother plays cello and piano and he just started drums.

What kind of music do you guys listen to for inspiration?
I don’t have a preference! I just listened to whatever is on the radio.
Arlene: We like listening to cello music and classical music. Remember when we went to The Nutcracker…?
Elise: Oh, yes. We love the music from The Nutcracker!

Do you participate in lessons for your instruments?
Arianna: We are both in lessons for each of our instruments!
Elise: Yes - we enjoy taking lessons.

What have lessons looked like over Covid times?
Elise: We do them online. We basically Zoom with our teachers and take lessons like that!

Do you have any performances or recitals you are working towards?
Elise: I am practicing Allegro and Adagio on the cello right now.
Arianna: And I am working on a song for the violin. 
Elise: We just had a recital! And we are working towards putting together another recital for orchestra class.
Arianna: Online. This next recital will be online, too.

Since you have a musical family, have you all ever played as a group?
Elise: Sometimes!
Arianna: We should play together more actually. 

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