Mailbag - October 2022

TWIST ON A CLASSIC Food writer and stylist Julia Hellums has made a classic dish new by switching in tomatoes for apples in her Tomato Tarte Tatin. ( / Food styling by Carla Buerkle,
Tasty tatin
In the September 2022 issue, the Tomato Tarte Tatin by Julia Hellums [featured in Recipes to Relish: New dishes to try this fall by Andria Frankfort] will have your tastebuds talking. It is both delicious and easy to make. I recently made it for a family brunch. There was not a slice left. This tarte is a perfect centerpiece to any meal. I will definitely be making it again!
Debby Dreyfus
Editor’s note: Great to hear you enjoyed it, Debby! See this story for more recipe inspiration from foodie neighbors.
Adventurous spirit
I loved the [Travel Buzz] article about our son Jared and his quest to visit all of America’s national parks [Epic journey reinforces lifelong friendships by Tracy L. Barnett, Aug. 2022]. Friends from all over the city have reached out to us about the article. We love Jared’s sense of adventure and would like to thank you for sharing his 2022 summer adventure.
Lagenia Clark
Where they’re headed
I love reading the “Where are They Headed?” articles in The Buzz [Class of 2022: Where are they headed? by Caroline Siegfried, June 2022]. So fun to see which teachers inspired the kids and learn where they are headed.
Teachers play such an important role in both children’s and parents’ lives, and this is just a small celebration of all the amazing teachers in our community.
Nina Godiwalla
Editor’s note: Thanks, Nina! We always love seeing where our high school grads are off to each year and it’s fun to see their kindergarten and senior photos.
Houston gems, closed but not forgotten
I was searching for the Green Parrot – now closed – and found your 2014 article [Restaurant Memories by Russell Weil]. I’ve been to most of those restaurants during my 1952-1970 residence [in Houston], mostly with my fam. Bud Bigelow’s [also now closed] was one of my early repeat restaurant experiences. I loved the Green Goddess salad. Great memories.
Bill Spencer
Buzz circulation question
I love reading The Bellaire Buzz but do wonder why there isn’t a Meyerland Buzz. Have y’all given that any thought?
Ellen Gerson Tagtmeier
Editor’s note: Ellen, we’re glad you enjoy reading The Buzz and appreciate your question! The Bellaire Buzz circulates to areas surrounding Bellaire, including Meyerland, Braeswood Place, Ayrshire, and Linkwood, and highlights people who live in those neighborhoods. Our other publications – The West University Buzz, The Tanglewood/River Oaks Buzz, and The Memorial Buzz – also cover the surrounding neighborhoods, respectively.
Recipe success
Just had to say thank you for your chili-lime corn salad recipe [shared in Andria Frankfort’s online Back Porch Table column]! It was awesome! Happened to have corn already ready, from another recipe, so made your recipe and it is heaven! My new go-to summer (and winter, spring, fall) side dish!
Dee Dee Dochen
Editor’s note: Dee Dee, so glad you loved this recipe! Find more recipes on Back Porch Table every week.
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