Mailbag - January 2024

ALL TOGETHER NOW The Melena-Maci family, clockwise from upper left: Mauro Melena, Annalisa Maci, Claudia Melena, exchange student Rori Domenghini, and Federico Melena. (Photo:
We are grateful we had the opportunity to share the beauties of our region we miss so much [At Home in Two Worlds: The Melena-Maci Family by Tracy L. Barnett, Dec. 2023]. We thank all the staff of The Buzz for their kindness and genuine interest in our story. Copies of The Buzz magazine will arrive to Italy with us this Christmas and be shared with family and friends. We hope that our story from Abruzzo will trigger the curiosity of readers to explore other Italian regions not as famous as Tuscany or Sicily but still blessed with great history, arts, traditions, and natural beauty. Grazie!
Annalisa Maci
Fan of Back Porch column
I always read your article at the back of this magazine [Andria Dilling’s Back Porch column], and this one was my favorite by far [Saint: The Best Hanukkah Gift, Dec. 2023]. I love how you write; you are incredible. I feel like I know Saint [the Goldendoodle] well. Everything you said was cute and even self-deprecating, but also very funny. It was so poignant and sweet.
Anita Gaylor
Meaningful moment
What a pleasure to open The Buzz and see my cat, Simon! As Warhol said, we’re all famous for fifteen minutes; I guess that includes cats, too.
Regarding the “kind, beautiful lady” mentioned in the first sentence of Simon’s confessions [Simon, age 14, Neighborhood Tails, Tanglewood/River Oaks, Nov. 2023]: She was released to hospice today, and so will almost certainly never see Simon in The Buzz. She’d have been absolutely thrilled. I’m glad she at least got to see that pic when I sent it to her a few weeks ago.
She really loved Simon, and was grief-stricken when she had to give him away. It still chokes me up, even after several years, to recall how she had hurriedly toted him to my car in his carrier, not able to even look at him and say goodbye after she placed the carrier on my seat; she couldn’t bear to do anything but quickly walk away. If she were alert now, instead of sedated under morphine, she’d probably want, almost more than anything else, to just be able to give Simon a big squeeze.
Anyway, thanks for letting Simon have his moment!
Craig Edel
Editor’s note: We were touched by Craig’s beautiful words, and sad to find out that Buzz reader Judy Shannette passed away the day after Craig wrote this letter.
Concert for a cause
The article [Concert for a Cause: Remembering Tom Bres through music by Pooja Salhotra, Dec. 2023] is fantastic. You did such a great job. My mom and I both have gotten so much positive feedback about it and it’s already helping fundraising this year. Thank you so much for paying such attention and care to this story; I will truly cherish it forever!
Meg Bres
Familiar with the ‘It Factor’
This is a wonderful story [The It Factor: Some people just have it – Not a Memoir, Part 9 by Cindy Gabriel, Dec. 2023]! I’ve had the [“makeover”] experience of which you speak! In fact, she [Sharon Trojan Hollinger] and [her husband] Gard visited us in Seattle. We met up for a dinner date. Sharon styled my hair in the hotel room (mind you, I had done it before I got there). She used a tool that creates volume that I had seen online, It looked great and I immediately ordered one. She’s one of a kind. We, (mostly her) have shared beauty secrets over our 30-year friendship. I can hear her voice as I read your story. I love her and you, Cindy Gabriel.
Diane Beers Gabouer
Special story
Great article, Michelle! [Ready to Launch: Supporting adults with special needs by Michelle Casas Groogan, Nov. 2023] I am so excited! You did a terrific job. I think it helps people understand the struggles parents [of children with special needs] go through from birth/diagnosis to adulthood. Thank you!
Maribel Farish
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