Photo Contest

Christine Strake

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  • Decades of friendship among women in the Bachelor Fantasy Football league have lead to intense and fun competition. From left (top row) are Kathleen Manning, Chelsea Hanson, Kristen Byrd, Stephanie Bardwil, (bottom row) Ali Fescenmeyer, Bla

    Decades of friendship among women in the Bachelor Fantasy Football league have lead to intense and fun competition. Participants include Kathleen Manning, Chelsea Hanson, Kristen Byrd, Stephanie Bardwil, Ali Fescenmeyer, Blaire Howard, Muriel Forney, Christine Strake and Whitney Easterling. (Photo:

    From: Buzz Bachelor Blitz
  • Bachelor

    Decades of friendship among women in the Bachelor Fantasy Football league have lead to intense and fun competition. Participants include Kathleen Manning, Chelsea Hanson, Kristen Byrd, Stephanie Bardwil, Ali Fescenmeyer, Blaire Howard, Muriel Forney, Christine Strake and Whitney Easterling. (Photo:

    From: Bachelor Goes Buzz
  • Decades of friendship among women in the Bachelor Fantasy Football league have lead to intense and fun competition. From left (top row) are Kathleen Manning, Chelsea Hanson, Kristen Byrd, Stephanie Bardwil, (bottom row) Ali Fescenmeyer, Bla

    Decades of friendship among women in the Bachelor Fantasy Football league have lead to intense and fun competition. Participants include Kathleen Manning, Chelsea Hanson, Kristen Byrd, Stephanie Bardwil, Ali Fescenmeyer, Blaire Howard, Muriel Forney, Christine Strake and Whitney Easterling. 

    From: #BuzzBachelorBlitz

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