Photo Contest

Dian Yu

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Photos appearing in

  • Mia Basu, Sophia Chon, Olivia Doan, Dian Yu, Sue Lyn Roberts,

    Mia Basu (10), Sophia Chon (10), Olivia Doan (12), Dian Yu (12), and Sue Lyn Roberts (11) flawlessly execute a lift in their performance of “Already Gone” by Kelly Clarkson.

    From: Student Choreographers at SJS Steal the Show
  • Senior Sunrise

    Dian Yu (left) and Eliot Aiman (right) pose to Ms. Hollis Amley, Head of Upper School, at the senior sunrise.

    From: A New Tradition at St. John's
  • Senior Sunrise

    Elizabeth Cox, Will Baksht, Sophie Lesniak, Ella West, Eve Kroencke, Liv Rubenstein, Eliot Aiman, and Dian Yu catch a glimpse of sunshine from the top of the parking garage.

    From: A New Tradition at St. John's
  • Dian Yu

    Before in person classes, junior and Terpsichore dancer Dian Yu attended virtual dance classes on Zoom.

    From: Pirouettes during a Pandemic