Photo Contest

Jackelyn Silverman

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Photos appearing in

  • Zach Silverman, Jackelyn Silverman, Gavin Silverman, Dylan Silverman

    Zach, Jackelyn, 5-year-old Gavin, and 3-year-old Dylan Silverman continue the family tradition of rooting for the Longhorns together. (Photo:

    From: College Football Traditions
  • Silverman family

    The Silverman family - Zach, Jackelyn, Dylan (a Shooting Star) and Gavin (Orbit) sent positive vibes to the Astros during the World Series with their Halloween costumes. This isn't Gavin's first Astros-themed Halloween - see his Halloween costume in 2017. A huge Astros fan, Gavin won a giveaway and attended Game 2 of the World Series this year. See photos here.

    From: Halloween 2021: All Treats!
  • Jackelyn Silverman, Zachary Silverman, Sara Speer Selber

    Jackelyn Silverman, Zachary Silverman, and Sara Speer Selber (Photo: Kraitman Photography)

    From: Havana nights
  • Jackelyn and Megan Silverman

    Jackelyn and Megan Silverman (from left) wear masks depicting Biblical plagues.

    From: Memorable Seders