Photo Contest

James Murnane

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Photos appearing in

  • Off to Lamar

    Friends (pictured, from left) John Cypher, James Murnane, Kane Kinney, Mary Ruth Cochran, Pete McConn and Charlie Dollinger, celebrated the fact that they’ll continue on together for high school at Lamar.

    From: Off to Lamar
  • Charlie Dollinger, James Murnane, Pete McConn and Donovan Barrera

    Charlie Dollinger, James Murnane, Pete McConn and Donovan Barrera

    From: Good sports
  • Gators baseball team

    Tanglewood Middle School Gators baseball team

    From: Gators made a splash
  • Jack Stone, Donovan Barrera, James Murnane, Charlie Dollinger, Bryant Hiskey, Anthony Herger

    Jack Stone, Donovan Barrera, James Murnane, Charlie Dollinger, Bryant Hiskey and Anthony Herger

    From: Ready to play
  • Kane Kinney, Lainie Stone, Christian Zenner, Charlie Dollinger, James Murnane, Jack Stone

    Kane Kinney, Lainie Stone, Christian Zenner, Charlie Dollinger, James Murnane and Jack Stone

    From: Jump in
  • John Cypher, Christian Zenner, Charlie Dollinger, Pete McConn, Donovan Barrera, James Murnane

    John Cypher, Christian Zenner, Charlie Dollinger, Pete McConn, Donovan Barrera and James Murnane

    From: New Grady Gators

Photos appearing in