Photo Contest

Leah Mathews

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Photos appearing in

  • Turkey Trot

    (From left) Michelle, Leah and Greg Mathews gobbled a smile after completing the annual Turkey Trot. (Photo: Dale Mathews)

    From: Finish to famish
  • Leah and Dale Mathews, Carlos and Teresa Rodriguez,

    Pictured are (from left) host Leah Mathews, dressed as the Wicked Witch of the West, Dale Matthews, dressed as Macho Man Randy Savage and costume winners Carlos and Teresa Rodriguez. 

    From: Orange is the new snack
  • Leah Mathews, June Hogg, Mariam Lakehani, June Loveland, Joy Taravella

    BLOCK PARTY A Zumba lesson at the St. George Place block party added spice. Zumba-ing ladies included Leah Mathews, June Hogg, Mariam Lakehani, June Loveland and Joy Taravella.

    From: Spicy day

Photos appearing in