Photo Contest

Max Cordua

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Photos appearing in

  • Balloons

    Countdown to releasing the balloons in the air. (From left) Ms. Jeanne Dazey, Zoey Zhang, Logen Duke, George Rodriguez, Joseph Schwartzberg, Massimo Iaccovazzo, Tres Hancock, Jackson Linnartz, Max Cordua, Avery Burton, Skylar Schanen. (Photo: Ms. Casey Demmer).

    From: We’re All in This Together
  • Balloons

    Student Council President Katy Boyd explaining the significance of balloons to Alexander-Smith Academy students. (From left) Max Cordua, Katy Boyd, Ms. Kathy Thompson, Ms. Jeanne Dazey, Matthew Treat, Logen Duke, Xavier Wang, Alex Ambler, Zoey Zhang, Lu Ye. (Photo: Denielle Braxton).

    From: We’re All in This Together
  • Alexander-Smith Academy students

    (From left) James Cravens, Trevor Bowman, Ms. Kim Garcia, Sydney Freeman, Alex Ambler, Marcos Genemaras-Cruz, Sam Moghaddam, Katy Boyd, Jacob Remels, Aron Sable, Joseph Schwartzberg, Max Cordua, George Rodriguez, Jackson Linnartz, Mika Kohl, Cameron Kimmel, Skylar Schanen, Grace Smith, Zoey Zhang, Lu Ye, Ms. Jeanne Dazey and Xavier Wang. (Photo: Ms. Casey Demmer) 

    From: We’re All in This Together