Private School Directory

Tali Kalmans

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  • Lewis Kalmans, Elyse Kalmans, Aerin Kalmans, Tali Kalmans, Kendall Kalmans

    A NEW BROTHER Elyse and Lewis Kalmans added a son to their family (from left: Tali, Kendall and Aerin) when Laci (boy on right) came from Hungary to live with them for a year. (Photo: Bradley Sabloff)

    From: Exchange Students
  • Tali Kalmans

    CHICKENS FOR A CAUSE Tali Kalmans, an eighth grader at The Kinkaid School, sells her backyard chickens’ eggs to raise money for a Tanzanian child’s education.

    From: Eggs for education
  • West University Softball Association’s 12U Ice

    West University Softball Association’s 12U Ice

    From: Softball-tournament champs
  • The West University 10U Wave

    The West University 10U Wave

    From: Softball state champs