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Diane Davis

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  • Diane Davis, Kristi Barnhill, Joi Bishop, Jana Stiffel,  Roz Cooley, Susanna Jeu, Kathie Borgan, Jane Grace, Sherry Boni, Sharon Roarke, Judy Glasford, Mary Grace Landrum

    HOLIDAY HAPPENING The Memorial Drive Garden Club’s host committee for the holiday lunch awaits Santa and his helper. Pictured (sitting, from left) are Diane Davis, Kristi Barnhill, Joi Bishop, Jana Stiffel; (standing, from left) Roz Cooley, Susanna Jeu, Kathie Borgan, Jane Grace, Sherry Boni, Sharon Roarke, Judy Glasford, and Mary Grace Landrum.

    From: Rumor Has It - February 2024
  • Roaring ’20s

    The Memorial Dr Garden Club Annual Couples party featured a fun roaring ’20s theme. Pictured are (from left) Martha Blecher, Glenn and Lisa Kline, Barbara Files, Diane and John Davis, Ken and Barbara Isham, Roz and Byron Cooley.

    From: Roared in

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