Photo Contest

Susan Davis

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  • Braha Radom, Julie Bartlein, Helena Zach, Susan Davis

    HATS OFF Julie Bartlein hosted a lively tea party, a fundraiser for Anne Frank Hadassah. Pictured (from left) are Braha Radom, hostess Julie Bartlein, Helena Zach, and Susan Davis.

    From: Rumor Has It - April 2025

    EVERYTHING BLOOMING The Memorial Drive Garden Club took a field trip to the Brookwood Community, where they had a colorful tour of the nursery and made many purchases. Front row: Sushila Mathew, Marsha Floyd, Geetha Mammen, Sharon Brier, Hansa Mehta, Jeannette Nestvold, Barbara Upchurch, Susan Davis, Diane McDaniel, and Judy Glasford; Back row: Rachel Messina, Jana Stiffel, Rochelle Lootens, Amy Winstead, Sherry Boni, Pat Moon, Christine Padon, Susanna Jeu, Alice Bing, Spook Willoughby, Sharon Roark, Sandy Wilkens, Landa McClain, Mary K Burtner, Beverly Mattern, Mala Salvador, Carol Maresh, Jenny Blanc, Sue Shefman, Susan Diehl, and Connie Dalton. 

    From: Rumor Has It - May 2024
  • Chuck Davis, Melissa Davis, Bill Davis, Susan Davis

    (From left) Chuck Davis, Melissa Davis, Bill Davis and Susan Davis

    From: Crime Stoppers of Houston Celebrates, Honors Women
  • Susan Davis, Beth Lumgair, Laurie Horowitz

    When these friends have extra time, they spend it at the barn. A bit more formally attired than on a typical barn day, they are (from left) Susan Davis on Seminole, Beth Lumgair on Jago and Laurie Horowitz on Gigi. (Photo:

    From: Facing Fear on Four Legs
  • Susan Davis

    Susan Davis says riding her own horse, Seminole, whom she knows so well, is easier than riding a different lesson horse every day. (Photo:

    From: Facing Fear on Four Legs