Mailbag - May 2017

THE BIG DAY A For Sale sign on this 1986 Avion caught the eye of writer Cheryl Laird as she zoomed past on I-45. Husband Greg Hassell snapped this photo the day they surprised themselves and actually bought it.
RV meant more than recreation
I loved your article on the Avion, and I'm so glad it went to someone who appreciates it [You Want a What? How I ended up with an RV, by Cheryl Laird, March 2017]. The camper brought me many hours of enjoyment during a real dark time in my life.
I was diagnosed with a rare form of kidney cancer. Along with the diagnosis came instructions from my doctor to "get my things in order," so I did. I completed my will, went and looked at cemetery plots, said farewell to some close friends.
As weeks unexpectedly turned into months, I found a project to work on, mostly to put my mind's energy to work and not think about what my future held. I bought the Avion as a project. I wanted to spruce it up a bit, so I had some hardwood floors installed. I picked out new fabric and had the couch and bed-boards recovered, along with new curtains. The interior wood was immaculate, and all I did was keep it rubbed down with lemon oil.
With the upgrades I had the perfect little vintage camper, and the following year we set out to the NASCAR races in Dallas. We had so much fun and parked in the infield with all the luxurious motor homes. The little Avion became the talk of all the resident campers, everyone wanting to take a peek inside.
Last year my husband and I decided we were going to downsize so we could travel. After all, God had given me extra time! We both agreed the Avion was just too small for extended stays. So together with our spare car and Harley-Davidson, we put those items up for sale. We were able to purchase a new 5th wheel. We sold our home, and my husband just retired this month. We will hit the road in May and will return to Texas in October! We are so excited! I enjoyed your article and I wish you and your family many hours of enjoyment. I just had my scans in January, another year cancer free – that makes 6!
Paula Mitchell
Finding work and friends
My son, who has high-functioning autism, is 23 years old now and looking for employment. A friend referred me to Denise Hazen with Aspire Accessories. My jaw dropped when I walked in and saw a thriving business where there were 20-plus young adults (who come from all areas of Greater Houston) just like my son having fun together and busy working on all sorts of products from leather goods to engraving. I hope you will consider doing a story so that everyone can see that there is a wonderful place where lots of people with autism can find employment and community. Until this, every parent has had to go out and find or create a special job for their child, like Ryan in your story in the March issue [Working It: Careers for adults with autism, by Michelle Casas Groogan]. Having a job is fantastic, but it doesn't solve the community (friends to hang out with) aspect that is so lacking. Both of these organizations were started by mothers who couldn't find what they needed for their child, so they created it. Aspire Accessories is partnered with [non-profit] Social Motion Skills (founded by Wendy Dawson, who lives in Memorial).
Catherine Christopherson
Once and always – Lamar
Great article on Lamar [Happy Anniversary, Lamar: 80 years of high school memories, by Andria Frankfort, April 2017]! Amanda Kepke Fisher was in my class! I play tennis with her husband David all the time at HRC. David lost the battle to send her [daughter Elizabeth] to Memorial where he attended (they would have had to move), but I know they are pleased with their daughter's choice! Once a Redskin always a Redskin... I mean, Texan.
David Cromack
Generations of Lamar
Loved your Lamar High article. Our eldest married his Lamar High girlfriend, and her family had four generations attend. Just sent article to all (that are still alive!) So fun. All still in Houston. They all still see each other. They're all in each other’s weddings. Lamar was great for them.
Nancy Beck
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