Mailbag - June 2018

NOSTALGIC NUPTIALS Bride Erica Reed models her wedding gown as grandmother Shirley Harper and mom Mary Ann look on. Shirley created the gown for Erica’s mom 37 years ago. (Photo:
Life is good as a “cover girl”
What a joy it was to work with writer Cathy Gordon and photographer Nikky LaWell [Yes to the Dress: A wedding memoir in silk and lace, by Cathy Gordon, May 2018]. My mother Shirley [Harper] was thrilled to share her sewing stories and has now in her 80s become a “cover girl” [of the The Bellaire Buzz]. Thanks to this article she is in demand for sewing projects once again. At first, I was reluctant to convey the story, but it has been such a pleasure to hear all of the comments from neighbors, friends on Facebook and across the country. Thank you for letting us share it.
Mary Ann Reed
Yes, my neighbor is a talent
What a beautiful story [Yes to the Dress: A wedding memoir in silk and lace, by Cathy Gordon, May 2018]! What talent! I lived next door to Shirley [Harper] in Peoria before she moved to Texas and miss her every day.
Maggie Martino
Oh, that’s how you do it
I just read the article "Back Porch" about podcasts [A World of Podcasts, by Andria Frankfort, April 2018]. My wife always listens to "On Being" live on the radio and I wanted to hear it on my iPhone and didn't know how. You provided both the inspiration and the information that we needed to get started and I am really enjoying it. Thank you so much for such an informative and helpful article.
Stanley Merrill
Feeling like a star
When I found out I was going to be in The Tanglewood/River Oaks Buzz magazine [Meet a Neighbor: Dick Brooks, by Angie Frederickson, March 2018] I was quite excited. When friends started calling and sending me copies from The West University Buzz, The Bellaire Buzz and The Memorial Buzz magazines, as well as neighbors near our home, I realized that your publication must reach multi-thousands of homes. Needless to say, I felt like star athlete for the Astros or Houston Rockets rather than the reality of an 80-year-old guy that likes to ski. Thanks for all the nice, fun things you folks wrote about Dick Brooks and the enjoyable reading of your magazine. Keep up the great work.
Dick Brooks
Spreading word on bladder cancer
Can’t thank you enough for all the support the Buzz team has given BCAN (Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network) [Buzz About Town: Bladder cancer walk, by Annie Blaylock McQueen, May 2018, The Tanglewood/River Oaks Buzz and The Memorial Buzz]. Bladder cancer is a relatively unknown form of cancer and yet it is the sixth most diagnosed cancer in the U.S. One of the Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network's main agenda items is to raise awareness about this disease. The Buzz is certainly helping to raise awareness about bladder cancer. And awareness will help save lives.
Pam Harris, patient advocate
Young writers are welcome here
Arjun will be thrilled to see this [Buzz Kidz: Vivid colors of India, by Arjun Maitra, March 2018, The West University Buzz] when he gets back from school! Thank you for giving him (and a few years ago, his sister Indrani [A taste of Prague in Texas, by Indrani Maitra, August 2016, The West University Buzz]) an opportunity to write for The Buzz. We love getting the magazine in the mail every month and reading about our wonderful neighbors.
Anindita Sen
Editor’s note: Thanks to both Arjun and Indrani for contributing. You can see all Buzz Kidz stories, from all four Buzz magazines (West University, Bellaire, Tanglewood/River Oaks and Memorial), here. Students are welcome to submit an article for this column; just send us 350 words on an interesting hobby, passion or unique experience plus a high-resolution photo. Email [email protected] with questions.
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