Mailbag - March 2021

THE GREATEST OF THESE Cindy Gabriel ponders love as some of it blankets Hunt, Texas, in the form of snow. (Photo: Stan Ehrenkranz)
Cindy Gabriel is a keeper
I have enjoyed your magazine for years and whenever I see an article by Cindy Gabriel, I am drawn to it because she is a very talented writer. Her story [Just Love: It’s a no-brainer, February 2021] is a keeper. I have read books by religious mystics and Eastern meditation gurus, and Cindy hit the nail on the head in a few concise, honest words. If we all led with our heart instead of our mind, what a beautiful world it would be. Thank you for encouraging her freedom of expression.
Peggy Shallock
Another Cindy fan
Once again, Cindy Gabriel is spot on [Just Love: It’s a no-brainer, February 2021]. She always makes me think, and I look forward to reading her insight every month. Please also pass on my best wishes for her daughter and grandson.
Suzie Flores
Thanks from an admirer
As long-time admirers of James and Jamie Broach, we loved reading Andria Frankfort’s touching story of the blended Broach Byrd family [Beginning Again: A story of love and loss – and love, by Andria Frankfort, February 2021]. It was a timely reminder that an old life may end tragically, but the new life that follows also can be rewarding and hold a different kind of joy. We want to use this opportunity to express our gratitude to Jamie. As busy and fulfilled as life now is, she continues her important work for brain cancer patients.
Lanie Rose
It must be Dr. Zeller
What a delightful article about Valentine's Day [Back Porch: A good Valentine’s Day, by Andria Frankfort, February 2021]. I especially enjoyed the part about the Zellers. I was thinking that the Zeller name sounded familiar, then, when I read about the unusual proposal, I thought to myself, "This could only be one Robert Zeller." One of our children had been a patient of his close to 30 years ago, but I recognized that distinct, wonderful personality immediately. Thank you for a great article about two great people.
Ann Biundo
Fun to be in the magazine
What fun to see our cookies in print in The Buzz [The Great Cookie Tin Bake-Off: Two friends and their Christmas quest, by Andria Frankfort, December 2020]! Thank you for the lovely article. I think the cookies are the real stars!
Kathryn Wilson
Lan got a chuckle out of being included [in The Great Cookie Tin Bake-Off], and my girls had it on Instagram by 7 a.m. What a way to kick off the holidays!
Adele Bentsen
Baking for all
What a delight it was to be a part of Andria Frankfort’s article for the December issue [Tis the Season: Our favorite holiday sweets, by Andria Frankfort, December 2020]. I’ve always loved Andria’s positive family stories, and with this piece, I really came to appreciate the universal story of baking traditions at the holidays. Thank you, Andria, and all the Buzz staff for inviting me and my mom to be a part of your lovely tribute to holiday traditions.
Joy Yeager
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