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They See Me Rollin’: Memorial High School Senior Car Parade 2021

Jenna Mazzoccoli
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  • Ava Shae, Kensey Shine,

    GIG ’EM Ava Shae and Kensey Shine will be Aggies in the fall.

  • Texas Tech

    GUNS UP Graduating seniors and friends (pictured, from left) Brandon Humphrey, Thomas Holland, Tyce Christopher, and Parker Taylor are all headed to Texas Tech University.

  • Cheerleaders

    GO MUSTANGS The JV and Varsity Memorial High School Cheerleading teams led the parade along with the Memorial Villages’ fire and police departments. 

  • Addie Reilly

    GO FROGS Addie Reilly decorated her car in purple and white. She will be a TCU Horned Frog this fall.

  • Sophia Cone

    T FOR TEMPLE U Sophia Cone is off to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to attend Temple University. 

  • Carter Wienert, Chanse Holub, Dillon Glenn, Nick Herrmann,

    PASS IT BACK AGS (Pictured, from left) Carter Wienert, Chanse Holub, Dillon Glenn, and Nick Herrmann are headed to Aggieland. 

  • Morgan McAdams

    HOOK ’EM Morgan McAdams and her blow-up Longhorn participated in the parade. 

  • Ava Shae, Kensey Shine,
  • Texas Tech
  • Cheerleaders
  • Addie Reilly
  • Sophia Cone
  • Carter Wienert, Chanse Holub, Dillon Glenn, Nick Herrmann,
  • Morgan McAdams

The Memorial High School Class of 2021 came out to celebrate their upcoming graduation at the second annual Senior Car Parade last Saturday, May 8. Streamers, loudly-clanging soda cans, car paint, school flags, and giant blow-up mascots were just some of the ways seniors decorated their cars, trucks, and vans. 

The parade started at 11 a.m. Seniors and their drivers met at Memorial Church of Christ across the street from campus. The parade, led by the Memorial Villages’ fire and police departments and the Memorial High School JV and Varsity cheerleaders, traveled east on Gaylord before turning south and traveling down Piney Point Road. Family, friends, and neighbors lined the streets as seniors rolled by.  The parade ended at Ecclesia Church. Community members cheered and music blared from speakers in the bed of trucks and from the Memorial High School marching band.

Last year during quarantine, the MHS PTA looked for an in-person way to safely celebrate seniors. The car parade was born. The event was such a hit last year that the PTA brought it back for the Class of 2021. 

Congratulations to the Class of 2021. Keep cruising! You’ve got a bright future ahead.

Editor’s note: Seniors’ last day of classes at Memorial High School is this Friday and graduation is May 21 at 8 p.m. The graduation will be livestreamed at See our June issue for our annual “Where are they headed?” spotlight on graduating Buzz seniors. Also, check out – and contribute to, if you haven’t yet – our database of college-bound seniors

Ava Shae, Kensey Shine,

GIG ’EM Ava Shae and Kensey Shine will be Aggies in the fall.

Texas Tech

GUNS UP Graduating seniors and friends (pictured, from left) Brandon Humphrey, Thomas Holland, Tyce Christopher, and Parker Taylor are all headed to Texas Tech University.


GO MUSTANGS The JV and Varsity Memorial High School Cheerleading teams led the parade along with the Memorial Villages’ fire and police departments. 

Addie Reilly

GO FROGS Addie Reilly decorated her car in purple and white. She will be a TCU Horned Frog this fall.

Sophia Cone

T FOR TEMPLE U Sophia Cone is off to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to attend Temple University. 

Carter Wienert, Chanse Holub, Dillon Glenn, Nick Herrmann,

PASS IT BACK AGS (Pictured, from left) Carter Wienert, Chanse Holub, Dillon Glenn, and Nick Herrmann are headed to Aggieland. 

Morgan McAdams

HOOK ’EM Morgan McAdams and her blow-up Longhorn participated in the parade. 

Schools in this article: 

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