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Graduation, Times 3: Triplets at Memorial High School

Jenna Mazzoccoli
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  • Bethancourt Triplets

    (Picture from left) Isaac, Alex, and Luke Bethancourt graduated from Memorial High School.

  • (Picutre from left) Gaston, Lauren, and Glen Elie are one of three triplet families who graduated with the MHS Class of 2021.

  • Garcia Triplets

    (Pictured from left) Seth, Nina, and Alexander Garcia are headed to college in the fall.

  • Bethancourt Triplets
  • Garcia Triplets

There must be something in the water. Among the Memorial High School graduating class of 2021, there were 18 sets of twins and 3 sets of triplets. Someone check the Guinness Book because that has to be some kind of record. 

The Garcia, Bethancourt, and Elie triplets are all headed to college in the fall. Here, these new grads look back at their school experiences and share their post-graduation plans, some heading to college solo and others with their siblings by their side.

Seth and Nina Garcia are headed to the University of Saint Thomas to study Mechanical Engineering and Business, respectively. Their brother Alexander is off to The University of Texas at Austin to pursue Petroleum Engineering. 

The Garcia triplets have been best friends since the beginning.

“I’m totally going to look forward to being independent and starting my own life,” said Alexander. “I’ve always been inseparable with my siblings and now I have the chance to do my own things, which is super exciting.”

Growing up, the Garcias had each other to turn to for every big transition. Being a triplet means you always have a partner or partners in crime. 

Seth said it was a comfort to have someone to tackle problems and tasks with growing up. 

“I’ve always used my siblings for support for as long as I can remember. They’ve been my go-to friends since day one,” said Alexander.

Luke and Isaac Bethancourt are both headed to Texas A&M while Alex will attend Western Texas College. Alex is looking forward to learning how to live on his own without his brothers. He is also excited to experience A&M football games with other students. 

The Bethancourt brothers never had to worry about making friends because they had each other by their sides.

The Bethancourt brothers agree that growing up as a triplet has its perks.

“Being a triplet was helpful in remembering what the homework assignments were since we shared classes,” said Luke.

“And I never had to worry about making new friends because I already had people I knew at school,” said Alex.

The Elie triplets are all headed to different universities. Gaston will attend Brewster Academy in New Hampshire for a postgraduate year to extend his collegiate eligibility. Glen is headed to Arizona State University to study Business. And Lauren is going to The University of Texas  at Austin and will be double majoring in Business and Plan II Honors. 

Dad Mario Elie and Mom Gina Gaston have sent their triplets to the same school for 18 years. In the fall, Lauren, Glen, and Gaston will go their seperate ways.

All student athletes at Memorial High School, Lauren played varsity volleyball while her brothers were on the varsity basketball team.

“I leaned on my brother during the basketball season,” said Glen. “Playing together with my brother at Memorial High, he always picked me up when I got down.”

Although they each love being a triplet, the Elie siblings agree that going to separate colleges will allow them space to grow as individuals.

“I’m excited to see how everyone develops on their own in their own unique environment,” said Lauren. 

Mom Gina Gaston, ABC13, says she has only had triplets, so she doesn’t know anything else. 

“I feel relieved that we made it,” said Gina. “I’m excited for them. There are moments that I am sad. But I am more excited for them than anything else!”

Congrats to the Garcia, Bethancourt, and Elie triplets and the rest of the graduating class of 2021! Good luck in college.

Editor’s note: Read our annual feature on the graduating class of 2021. Check out – and contribute to – our annual database of college-bound Buzz neighbors, if you haven't already. Additionally, read about teachers who inspired these graduates along the way.

Bethancourt Triplets

(Picture from left) Isaac, Alex, and Luke Bethancourt graduated from Memorial High School.

(Picutre from left) Gaston, Lauren, and Glen Elie are one of three triplet families who graduated with the MHS Class of 2021.

Garcia Triplets

(Pictured from left) Seth, Nina, and Alexander Garcia are headed to college in the fall.

Schools in this article: 

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