Mailbag - December 2023

Tina Pyne is the quintessential entertainer and loves to cook. In this issue, she shares her favorite Thanksgiving recipe, a beautiful, delicious spinach pie. (Photo:
In the spotlight
When I agreed to share my recipe for “what to take to a Thanksgiving dinner” [featured in Thanksgiving Specials: Traditions on the table by Andria Frankfort Dilling, Nov. 2023] I never dreamed you had so many readers. I had so many friends and friends of friends that saw it and commented on the spinach pie. Many said I should have listed other things they like that I make! It seems everyone wants me to make gumbo, but I can do other things! It’s a Louisiana thing, honey!
Tina Pyne
Spreading the love
We’re thrilled that The Buzz’s November issue highlighted COR Houston and our mission to deliver basic needs items to HISD’s poorest students [Community of Resources: Filling the gaps in HISD schools by Andria Frankfort Dilling, Nov. 2023]. We have received many supportive comments on the article, as well as contributions.
One woman read the article and immediately thought of the items that are unclaimed each year from the lost-and-found at her child’s school. She reached out to ask if we would be interested in jackets and uniform pants and shirts, and of course we are! It will be easy for us to get those items to children who desperately need them. Another person has offered to collect hygiene supplies for us at an upcoming event.
We also connected with a volunteer at Benavidez Elementary, one of the schools we support. If you volunteer at an HISD school, please reach out. We would love to hear from you. Chances are we are already working with that school, and would like to be engaged if we are not.
If you are interested in connecting with an HISD school that has little to no community support, we can match you with a school that needs some TLC. Schools in poor neighborhoods are always seeking faith groups, clubs, or businesses to support their students with Christmas gifts, shoe drives, games, school supplies, and more.
A huge thank you to those of you who’ve given financial donations to COR ( Thank you to The Buzz for spreading the buzz!
Kay Wasden
Fond memories
I love how you wrote up our treasured family recipe and story of Kevin’s and my first Thanksgiving dinner [Don’t Mess with My Turkey: Keeping it real by Andria Frankfort Dilling, Nov. 2023]. I sent a photo copy to everyone in my family just now and will give my mother-in-law an actual copy of this issue of The Buzz for Christmas!
Barbara Trautner
Special story
Love your Buzz article Ready to Launch: Supporting adults with special needs [by Michelle Groogan, Nov. 2023]. It’s been shared in our Tuttle School parent group! Not only is this information important to parents of special needs children, but it’s so important for others to know about all the ways special needs adults can and are contributing to our community. I hope more companies and organizations are inspired to start a program as well. Thank you for bringing these opportunities to light!
Jennifer Bruce
Thankful for Cindy and her writing
Regarding The Highs and Lows of Life: A Thanksgiving perspective by Cindy Gabriel [Nov. 2023] in which Cindy Gabriel related the story of her successful brain surgery in 2009: I am so grateful that the surgery Cindy endured did not hinder her spirit of wit or character. It would be a grave loss otherwise. It’s always an enchanting adventure to step momentarily into Cindy’s world of words, putting me in mind of Harper Lee or Horton Foote.
Cindy can word her thoughts in such picturesque ways as to actually hear the screen door slam, see the fall leaves swirl, or remember the strange unspoken etiquette of the ’50s children to be “seen but not heard.” She delightfully reminds me of similar experiences, stories or memories from my own life.
Vergie McKinley
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