A scene from Reckless: Lloyd (Brian McAughan), Pooty (Maddie Cramer) laugh as Rachel (Lilly Young) opens her gift.
The past two weekends St. Agnes Academy had their fall play. First was a one-act play, Tarantino Variation, followed by the main play Reckless. Tarantino Variation was directed by senior Hanna Lee. It is comical standoff based on the movie Pulp Fiction. The actors were Hanna Bowman, a junior, Mason Lehane, also a junior, and Alexis Covington, a sophomore.
Reckless was directed by Ms. Jewell Handy, the theatre teacher at St. Agnes. It is about a woman named Rachel, played by Lilly Young, a senior. Her husband, played by Joe Theriot, who’s a junior at Strake Jesuit, has taken a contract out on her life. She ends up spending Christmas with two strangers named Pooty, played by Maddie Cramer, a senior, and Lloyd played by Brian McAughan, a senior at Strake.
Hanna Bowman acted in Tarantino Variation.
Rachel changes her name and ends up living with Pooty and Lloyd. Lloyd tells Rachel about his old life and how he changed his name and left his old wife. Lloyd, Pooty and Rachel go on a game show called Your Mother or Your Wife to win money so Lloyd can pay back his ex-wife. They win the game show and Rachel’s husband, Tom ends up finding them. Tom finds champagne on the step outside the house. Tom and Pooty drink it and end up dying because it was poisoned. Rachel and Lloyd travel from one town named Springfield to another town also named Springfield so the police can’t find them and accuse them of murder.
Through the story, Rachel goes to a few different therapists to talk about everything that has happened. Lloyd dies from drinking only champagne and refusing to eat anything. Rachel goes into a state of shock. In the end, Rachel becomes a therapist herself and her son, Tom Junior, ends up being one of her patients.
It was a very interesting show and definitely one of my favorites. All the crew and actors did an awesome job!