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Andrew Hoffman

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Photos appearing in

  • James Williamson, Andrew Hoffman, Clint Sauls

    West University Little League Seniors coaches James Williamson, Andrew Hoffman and head coach Clint Sauls cheer on their team in Easley, South Carolina, at the 2019 Senior League Baseball World Series.

    From: WULL Seniors at the 2019 World Series
  • Andrew Hoffman, Andrew Waters, Zach Oretsky

    A trio of locals were part of the NCAA Division III national championship baseball team at Trinity University: (from left) Andrew Hoffman (Lamar class of 2015), Andrew Waters (Lamar class of 2012) and Zach Oretsky (Bellaire class of 2014). (Photo: Dennis Murphy, D Squared Productions)

    From: SportzBuzz - July 2016
  • (From left) Aaron Cranfield, Carson Maxwell, Turner Gauntt, Andrew Hoffman, John Doxakis, and Jared Burch. (Photo source: Official Website of the Senior League World Series.)

    (From left) Aaron Cranfield, Carson Maxwell, Turner Gauntt, Andrew Hoffman, John Doxakis, and Jared Burch. (Photo source: Official Website of the Senior League World Series.)

    From: West U Champs: The Scoop from West U Seniors
  • Zach Pearson (left) and his friend Andrew Hoffman (right) pose for a photo with champion competitive eater, Joey Chestnut (center). Both Zach and Andrew were judges at the Nathan’s hot dog eating contest this summer.

    Zach Pearson (left) and his friend Andrew Hoffman (right) pose for a photo with champion competitive eater, Joey Chestnut (center). Both Zach and Andrew were judges at the Nathan’s hot dog eating contest this summer.

    From: Traveling Texans