Private School Directory

Grace Dholakia

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Photos appearing in

  • Houstonians hit the slopes

    Duncan and Caroline Cannon, Kylie Koehn, Lindsay Tennant, Shelby Koehn, Grace Dholakia, Addison Berger, Sophie Donalson, Isabella Sorenson, and Kate Dholakia are ready to hit “the slopes” which in Houston means anything with a bit of an incline!

    From: Snow in Houston: Bundling Up and Staying Home
  • Condit Elementary School students

    Condit Elementary School students

    From: Condit food drive
  • Summer slime celebration

    Analeigh DuVigneaud, Eloise DuVigneaud, Sloan Goodman, Grace Dholakia, Kate Dholakia, Isabell Sorenson, Addison Berger, Sydney Fell, Mia Noamouz enjoy a summer slime celebration at Ava and Mia's house.

    From: Slime Time
  • Kate Dholakia, Isabella Sorenson, Grace Dholakia

    Kate Dholakia, Isabella Sorenson and Grace Dholakia (Photo: Jami Fowler)

    From: I-Fest at Condit
  • Snowcone