Photo Contest

Kevin Boyle Jr.

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Photos appearing in

  • Kevin Boyle, Kevin Boyle Jr., Sean Boyle

    The striking striation patterns of Saqqarleq Glacier (Kevin Sr., Sean, Kevin Jr.).

    From: Greenland with the Boyle Boys
  • Kevin Boyle, Kevin Boyle Jr.

    An evening kayak among the icebergs in Ilulissat (the Kevins: Sr., left, and Jr.).

    From: Greenland with the Boyle Boys
  • Kevin, Kevin Jr., and Sean Boyle

    SAILING AMONG THE ICEBERGS Kevin, Kevin Jr., and Sean Boyle sailing Disko Bay, en route to the Eqi Glacier from Ilulissat. Here they stopped about halfway to Eqi to shoot a photo in front of a waterfall.

    From: Greenland with the Boyle Boys
  • Kevin Boyle, Kevin Boyle Jr., Sean Boyle

    Stopping for a rest and a drink from a pure glacial pool on an Albatros Arctic Circle camping adventure (Kevin Jr., Kevin Sr., Sean).

    From: Greenland with the Boyle Boys
  • Kevin Boyle Jr., Sean Boyle

    A sense of relief and accomplishment after successfully setting up camp on the Greenland Ice Sheet (Sean, left; Kevin Jr., right).

    From: Greenland with the Boyle Boys
  • Kevin Boyle Jr., Kevin Boyle, Sean Boyle

    APRES SKI The Boyle Boys are all smiles after a blue-sky day on the mountain. From left: Kevin Jr., Kevin Sr., and Sean Boyle.

    From: Winter sports in a pandemic
  • Kevin Boyle, Kevin Boyle Jr., Sean Patrick Boyle
  • Kevin Boyle Jr., Sean Patrick Boyle

    New Zealand’s beaches and pristine natural settings were a source of constant wonder for the Boyles (Kevin Jr., left, and Sean Patrick); here, watching the sun set across the Tasman Sea in Greymouth.

    From: Beauty at the end of the world
  • Kevin Boyle, Kevin Boyle Jr., Sean Patrick Boyle

    Kevin Boyle Sr. fulfilled a dream of running the Queensland Marathon last year, and was able to cross the finish line with his boys. (Photo: Kevin Boyle Sr.)

    From: Beauty at the end of the world