Photo Contest

Saula Valente

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Photos appearing in

  • Jody Merritt, Samantha Kennedy, Saula Valente, and Christine Johnson

    Jody Merritt, Samantha Kennedy, Saula Valente, and Christine Johnson (Photo: Daniel Ortiz)

    From: Building hope
  • Giacomo Valente and Saula Valente

    Giacomo Valente and Saula Valente (Photo: Daniel Ortiz)

    From: Miracles of the Mission
  • Heidi Turney, Barry Turney, and Saula Valente

    Heidi Turney, Barry Turney, and Saula Valente (Photo: Daniel Ortiz)

    From: La dolce vita
  • Houston Symphony League volunteers

    (From left) Annual Fund Drive Chair, Saula Valente, welcomes past League President, Dr. Kelli Cohen Fein, and Melanie Jarrett to help make calls to remind League members to make an annual fund contribution and designate that contribution to support the League’s springtime Ima Hogg Competition. 

    From: Houston Symphony League Fall Volunteer Opportunities