Photo Contest

Sharon Chetty

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Photos appearing in

  • Mark and Sharon Chetty

    IN GOOD FAITH Mark and Sharon Chetty support each other’s faiths in their dual-religion marriage. Sharon is Hindu and Mark is Catholic. (Photo:

    From: Twice Blessed
  • Mark Chetty, Rushil Chetty, Sharon Chetty

    SHARED BLESSINGS Mark and Sharon Chetty share their dual faiths with their son, Rushil. Mark is Catholic, and Sharon is Hindu. (Photo:

    From: Twice Blessed
  • Sharon and Mark Chetty

    TWICE THE LOVE Sharon and Mark Chetty had two wedding ceremonies, one Hindu and one Catholic, to honor both of their religions. Sharon’s wedding dress for the Catholic ceremony was styled in Indian fashion as a nod to her Hindu faith.

    From: Twice Blessed
  • Cub scouts

    Cub scouts

    From: From Cub to Boy
  • Disney

    Mark Chetty, Rushil Chetty, Sharon Chetty, Esther Puig, Lucas Puig, Nicolas Puig and Jorge Puig (from left) enjoy a photo break amid their rounds at Disney's California Adventure Park.

    From: Spring Break buddies

Photos appearing in