Photo Contest

Samir Mehta

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Article Mentions

Photos appearing in

  • The Condit Dad's Club

    The Condit Dad's Club

    From: Condit dads
  • Hungary

    The Mehta family traveled to Europe this summer, starting the trip in Copenhagen, Denmark, and then flying to Budapest, Hungary. Pictured (from left) are Sania, Suria, Samir and Anita Mehta.

    From: Trip to remember
  • Condit Dads Club

    Students and their families helped Condit Elementary teachers after Harvey. The Condit volunteers are (top row, from left) Ashok Gowda, Samir Mehta, Julian Cran, Omar Medeiros, Tapan Kadia, Quinten du Vigneaud, Sadie Rose du Vigneaud, Davis du Vigneaud and Sham Sidhu; (bottom row, from left) Nikhil Gowda, Sania Mehta, Sydney Cran, Tiago Medeiros, Maya Kadia, Anderson Cran, Jushin Sidhu, Bella Gowda, Suria Mehta and Michael du Vigneaud.

    From: Teaming up to help
  • Samir, Anita and Suria Mehta and Sham Sidhu and Samir Sinha.

    Samir, Anita and Suria Mehta and Sham Sidhu and Samir Sinha. (Photo: Dylan Aguilar) 

    From: Bellaire Trolley Run 2017
  • Condit Gala

    (From left) Christine Cao, John Lacson, Thuy Promubol, Samir Mehta (Photo: Nikky Lawell Photography)

    From: Celebrating Condit Elementary School’s 100th Anniversary