Photo Contest

Dori Marzuola

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Photos appearing in

  • St. George Progressive Holiday Dinner

    Pictured at the St. George Progressive Holiday Dinner are (standing, from left) David and Robin Walstad, Dan Marzuola, Stephanie and Steven Ladobruk, Anoop Poddar; (sitting) Dori Marzuola and Tanuja Abeysekera. 

    From: A walk in the dark
  • Dori Marzuola, Bryan Cranston, Dan Marzuola

    STELLAR MOMENT For their 5th anniversary, Dori and Dan Marzuola tripped to New York, where they not only saw The Network, but also got a picture with Bryan Cranston, the star who is on the cover of the program Dori is holding.   

    From: Say my name
  • Dori and Dan Marzuola

    Dori and Dan Marzuola enjoyed the beautiful scenery in L’Auberge de Sedona on Oak Creek in the heart of Red Rock country.

    From: Snow inside and out
  • Dan and Dori Marzuola, Vel Ab and Thad Scott, and Korin and Sam Brody

    HEY, NEIGHBOR Hosts for the progressive dinner at St. George Place were thrilled that the weather was so pretty residents were able to walk from one house to another. From left: Dan and Dori Marzuola, Vel Ab and Thad Scott, and Korin and Sam Brody.  

    From: House hop

Photos appearing in