Photo Contest

Ben Portnoy

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  • Ben Portnoy

    SERIOUSLY Writer Ben Portnoy wants you to pay attention to April 1. (Photo: Dylan Aguilar)

    From: April Fools
  • Ben Portnoy

    WORDS AND WISDOM Ben Portnoy ponders “brain rot,” which was named Oxford University Press’ 2024 Word of the Year. (Photo: Dylan Aguilar)

    From: Brain Rot
  • Henry Peterman, Paul Scott, Lester Klebe, Sandy Weiner, Ben Portnoy, Nachum Dafny, Howard Derman, Marvin Beasley, Chuck Pehr

    HERE COME THE ROMEOS Pictured are some of the ROMEOs, dining at Niko Niko’s: (left side, from front to back: Henry Peterman, Paul Scott, Lester Klebe, Sandy Weiner; (right side, from back to front): Ben Portnoy, Nachum Dafny, Howard Derman, Marvin Beasley, and Chuck Pehr.

    From: Romeos, Without Our Juliets
  • Ben Portnoy

    READY FOR THANKSGIVING Writer Ben Portnoy finds his holiday crustacean missing. (Photo: Aimee McCrory)

    From: Lobster at Thanksgiving?
  • Ben Portnoy

    WHAT TO RESOLVE Ben Portnoy considers eating more prunes in the new year. (Photo: Caroline Siegfried)

    From: It’s that Time Again
  • Ben Portnoy

    SEARCHING FOR ANSWERS Ben Portnoy looks for enlightenment in the morning paper. (Photo:

    From: A Serpentine Demise
  • Ben Portnoy

    PEN TO PAPER Ben Portnoy embraces the beauty of writing with a fountain pen. (

    From: Fountain Pens
  • Ben Portnoy

    FOUNTAIN PENS Ben Portnoy used a fountain pen for most of his career as a doctor, but electronic records have replaced handwritten notes in doctor’s offices and hospitals. (

    From: Fountain Pens
  • Ben Portnoy

    RETIREMENT DILEMMA Dr. Ben Portnoy ponders the future of his bow ties. (Photo: Aimee McCrory)

    From: Bow Ties