Private School Directory

Krista Parker

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  • Jaye Keepers, Debbie Berner, Kim Vidor, Krista Parker, Amelia Alder, Rita Berry, Diana Root, Deanna Berlanger, Kaleigh Sale

    EXECUTIVE BUSY BEES The new hive of Busy Bees at the Houston Junior Forum are: (front row, from left) Jaye Keepers, Debbie Berner, Kim Vidor, Krista Parker, Amelia Alder, Rita Berry, and Diana Root; (back row, from left) Deanna Berlanger, and Kaleigh Sale. Not pictured: Dale Kurtz, Lauri Wasmuth, Sharon Cook, Susan Fisher, and Linda West.

    From: Rumor Has It - July 2024
  • Susan Rosenbaum, Linda West, Dale Kurtz, Karen Darnell, Debbie Berner, Krista Parker

    Susan Rosenbaum, Linda West, Dale Kurtz, Karen Darnell, Debbie Berner, and Krista Parker

    From: Shop ’til you drop at The City Market
  • Houston Junior Forum executive committee members

    Houston Junior Forum executive committee members

    From: Leading the Houston Junior Forum