Mailbag - November 2016

HARMONY AND DISCORD At the end of the day, couples put opposing politics on the back burner in favor of a happy partnership. (Illustration:
Story was a miracle in the making
In the October [2016] issue of The Buzz, staff writer Andria Frankfort wrote an article entitled Back Porch: Family Politics. Andria interviewed Abe and me over the phone for almost an hour gathering information about our diverse backgrounds. Abe and I went off topic half of the time, corrected each other the other half and inserted personal anecdotes whenever possible. All the while, Andria was very professional, courteous and gracious. Shortly after Andria hung up, Abe called me to get my input on how I thought the interview went. After a short discussion, we were both in agreement that it would be a miracle if Andria would succeed in actually compiling and writing a decent article based on the rambling information that we had provided her. Yesterday, I met Abe for lunch and he handed me a copy of The Buzz. We want to give Andria the accolades that she so richly earned and deserves and to thank her for taking all of the fragmented information that we provided and producing a sweet, accurate and charming article.
Dollie and Abe Goren
Editor’s note: We enjoyed the dialogue Andria captured between two quite different – and obviously well-matched – spouses. Thanks for letting us have a glimpse into a family that connects and respects despite political divides.
Loved the books article
Jennifer [Oakley], we just got back from Boston and found your wonderful article [One For the Books: Stories that changed their lives, September 2016] in the mailbox. I couldn’t be more pleased, or more appreciative. Thank you for writing a beautiful piece that brings together many different threads. I’m struck by how all of the stories by everyone who was interviewed come back to books as a way that family members communicate with one another.
Bill Boyce
Editor’s note: This is one of our favorite articles. It went beyond book recommendations – although we took note of many – and touched on the powerful ways reading (and in your case, writing) can impact our lives. Thanks for sharing your story.
Yay for Ziggy and Chef’s Corner
I was so delighted to see my good friend Ziggy Gruber featured in the The Buzz [Chef’s Corner: Ziggy Gruber, by Dai Huynh, August 2016]. I am so proud of Ziggy’s success. Congrats to Dai Huynh for capturing his big heart and love of food. In New York City, I favor Katz’s Deli and, for dinner, Aureole.
Art Squires
Editor’s note: Dai’s new Chef’s Corner column has hit a sweet spot with foodies. Each month, she will continue spotlighting local chefs and giving us the insider scoop on where – when they’re not at their own restaurants – they like to eat.
College-parents’ clubs keep her connected
Jennifer Oakley’s article about parents’ clubs [And They’re Off: Parent groups for the college years, October 2016] throughout Houston is great! Being a member of UGA Mama Dawgs and Ole Miss Hotty Toddy Mamas has connected me with so many new friends and, by sharing information and helping other parents, it forges a bond with the universities our children attend that will last long after their graduations. With Lisa Ganucheau at the helm of Hotty Toddy Mamas next year, I know the club will thrive! We’re blessed that our kids have had such wonderful collegiate experiences and that through parents’ clubs, we’ve gotten to share those!
Joni Hruska Fichter, Mama Dawg of Evan, ’15 and ’16, Hotty Toddy Mama of Kylie, ’17
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