Photo Contest

Class of 2017

Where are they headed?

Jordan Magaziner Steinfeld
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They’ve walked across the stage, flipped their tassels and tossed their caps. Now they’re ready – or ready enough – for new academic and life adventures.

Once again, as part of our annual tradition, we asked our graduating neighbors to share their plans with us. What are they most looking forward to? What advice would they give their kindergarten selves if they could?

Jacob Lawyer

Jacob Lawyer (Senior photo: Alexanders' Fine Portrait Design)

Jacob Lawyer – River Oaks Baptist School, Episcopal High School

Jacob Lawyer’s dream is to be president of the United States in 2040. But first, he’ll attend college at Southern Methodist University and plans to study Political Science and International Studies with a minor in both Chinese Language and Computer Science Analytics. Next year, he’s most looking forward to the freedom to choose his own path of study. If he could, he’d tell his kindergarten self: “Be a friend to everyone.”

Evelyn Clark

Evelyn Clark (Senior photo: Meredith Flaherty)

Evelyn Clark – Horn Elementary School, Trafton Academy, Incarnate Word Academy

Evelyn Clark will attend Texas A&M University to study Kinesiology this fall. Her dream would be to work with children who have disabilities to help them achieve new skills. She’s most looking forward to meeting new people and experiencing new adventures in college. If she could give her kindergarten self some advice, she’d say: “Always dream big and never give up!”

Benjamin Cohen

Benjamin Cohen (Senior photo: Paperhearts, Photography by Jessica Laviage)

Benjamin Cohen – Grahamwood Elementary School (Tenn.), White Station Middle School (Tenn.), The Emery/Weiner School

“Always trust your instinct,” Benjamin Cohen would tell his kindergarten self. “Never look back and regret something or think about how you could have done it differently.” Next year, he’ll head to The University of Texas at Austin to study Public Relations. His dream is to be a journalist. He’s most looking forward to exploring UT’s campus and Austin and meeting new people. 

Angela Liu

Angela Liu

Angela Liu – Mark Twain Elementary School, Pin Oak Middle School, Bellaire High School 

“Stop doodling on the walls (even if it’s super fun)!” Angela Liu would tell her younger self. “Also, appreciate your parents more; they deserve it.” She’ll attend The University of Chicago next year and will major in Interdisciplinary studies in Neuroscience, Computer Science and Design (maybe the doodling helped). She’s most looking forward to the academics, extracurriculars and the character of the student body itself at college.

Caitlin Connelly

Caitlin Connelly (Senior photo: Annette Boatwright Photography)

Caitlin Connelly – Horn Elementary School, Pin Oak Middle School, Bellaire High School

Caitlin Connelly will head to Texas Christian University next year to study Special Education. She hopes to become a Special Education teacher. A dream job would be CEO of a company that primarily employs people with special needs. She’s most looking forward to living on her own in college and meeting people from around the country. If she could, she’d remind her kindergarten self: “Nap time is the best time.”

Will Erwin

Will Erwin

Will Erwin – Condit Elementary School, Trafton Academy, Lamar High School

“Embrace your personality,” Will Erwin would encourage his kindergarten self. Next year, he’ll head to the University of Houston to study Kinesiology. He’s most looking forward to the independence that college will afford him. His dream job is to become a football player.

Meagan McAuliffe

Meagan McAuliffe

Meagan McAuliffe – Condit Elementary School, Pin Oak Middle School, Bellaire High School

Meagan McAuliffe will head to Texas A&M University, where she plans to study Kinesiology. If she could, she’d tell her kindergarten self to “keep being yourself as you grow” and not to worry what anyone else says. Her dream job would to be a medical missionary so she could have the opportunity to travel the world and help people.

Alexa Spolane

Alexa Spolane (Senior photo: Natural Expressions)

Alexa Spolane – Memorial Drive Elementary School, The Emery/Weiner School

Alexa Spolane will head to the University of Missouri to study Psychology in the fall. Her dream is to work at a fashion magazine one day. She’s most excited to branch out in college and meet new, lifelong friends; her dad met his best friends in his college fraternity and she hopes to do the same in a future sorority. If she could advise her kindergarten self, she’d say: “Don’t ever stop being goofy.”

Deborah Brown

Deborah Brown

Deborah Brown – Robert M. Beren Academy

Deborah Brown will head to University of Maryland, College Park, where she’ll major in Business Analytics. Her dream job is to become a proofreader or editor one day. If she could, she’d tell her kindergarten self: “Don’t be afraid to ask for help! And don’t let homework stress you out.”

Anna Glickman

Anna Glickman

Anna Glickman – Condit Elementary School, The Kinkaid School 

Anna Glickman is looking forward to wearing red and blue and calling herself a Quaker at the University of Pennsylvania, where she’ll study International Relations. She’s also excited to meet people from all over the world. She hopes to run her own public relations firm one day. If she could chat with her kindergarten self, she’d say: “Keep doing you!”

Reagan Bisel

Reagan Bisel (Senior photo: Paperhearts, Photography by Jessica Laviage)

Reagan Bisel – The Shlenker School, The Emery/Weiner School

Reagan Bisel will head to Trinity University to study Communications this fall. She’s most looking forward to being more independent, making new friends and beginning life on her own in a new city. She dreams of becoming the CEO and head writer of a fashion magazine one day.

Victoria Shelby

Victoria Shelby

Victoria Shelby – Condit Elementary School, Pin Oak Middle School, St. Agnes Academy

Victoria Shelby will soon head to Texas A&M University to study Biomedical Sciences. One day, she hopes to become a small-animal veterinarian and own her own practice. She’s most looking forward to meeting new people and the opportunity to spend time with other students who are passionate about the same topics. If she could, she’d tell her kindergarten self to be nice to everyone, as “you never know who will end up being your best friend.”

Matthew McCleskey

Matthew McCleskey

Matthew McCleskey – Parker Elementary School, Johnston Middle School, Bellaire High School 

Matthew McCleskey will head to the University of North Texas to study Radio, Television and Film. He’s looking forward to the opportunity to focus on one or two subjects per day. If he could, he’d tell his younger self: “When your teachers say, ‘It will be different in ‘real school,’ it won’t be whatever they are describing. You can take it easy.”

Rylie Cohen

Rylie Cohen (Senior photo: Jordan Scheiner)

Rylie Cohen – The Shlenker School, The Emery/Weiner School

Rylie Cohen will study Sequential Art in the fall starting at Houston Community College then continuing on at the University of Houston. Her dream job would be a comic book creator at Marvel Comics. She’s most looking forward to meeting new friends and having the opportunity for new experiences in college. If she could, she’d advise her kindergarten self to work hard and keep pushing to do better.

Ashlon Lusk

Ashlon Lusk

Ashlon Lusk – Briargrove Elementary School, T.H. Rogers School, Bellaire High School

If she could, Ashlon Lusk would encourage her younger self to cherish all of her friendships. She says when she went from elementary to middle to high school, she stayed in touch with all of her friends even if they didn’t continue on to school with her. She hopes when she heads to college at Louisiana State University, she continues to keep in touch with friends from kindergarten through senior year. She’ll study Journalism and dreams of becoming a successful broadcast journalist.

Alexander Liang

Alexander Liang (Senior photo: Calvin Wong)

Alexander Liang – Saint Thomas’ Episcopal School

“I remember receiving my Stanford Achievement test results in lower school, and a few of my scores were in the 40th percentile nationally. Not very good!” Alexander Liang shares. “My lower school self never thought that I would ever attend Yale University. I’ve found that it’s not about where you are, it’s about where you’re headed because the future really does belong to those who prepare for it.” He’s undecided on his major but is looking forward to attending a school with so much history. The thought of “studying at the same university library as former presidents is breathtaking,” he says.

Calvin Wong

Calvin Wong (Senior photo: Alexander Liang)

Calvin Wong – Saint Thomas’ Episcopal School

Calvin Wong will head to Rice University to study Chemistry, the first step on his journey to become a physician one day. He realizes it’s not an easy road, “But I feel like if I could do what I like for a living, I'd be truly blessed. And I really like medicine,” he says. If he could, he’d advise his kindergarten self to try new things and get out of his comfort zone because “somehow, it’ll pay off” to do so. He’s looking forward to sticking around Houston and having the opportunity to meet new people too.

Sydney Moore

Sydney Moore (Senior photo: Amanda Dearborn)

Sydney Moore – Condit Elementary School, Lanier Middle School, Bellaire High School

Sydney Moore will head to Texas A&M University to study General Engineering. She’s looking forward to learning how to live on her own, meeting new people and trying new things. One day, she’d love to be an elementary or middle school teacher. If she could, she’d advise her kindergarten self not to care so much about what others think, and to not be afraid to take risks and try new things.

Kate Balleza

Kate Balleza (Senior photo: Annette Boatwright Photography)

Kate Balleza – Frostwood Elementary School, Memorial Middle School, St. Agnes Academy

Kate Balleza will head to Baylor University and plans to study Middle School Science Education. Her dream job would be to teach middle school students in London. She’s most looking forward to the academic growth in college. If she could advise her kindergarten self, she’d tell her: “Slow down, stop and think. There is no hurry to grow up!”

Greyson Crosswell

Greyson Crosswell (Senior photo: Margaret Rotan Photography)

Greyson Crosswell – The Kinkaid School, Spring Branch Middle School, The Tenney School

Greyson Crosswell is heading to the University of Mississippi and he’s most looking forward to making new friends, learning to live without his parents and, of course, no curfew. He feels lucky his friends have been best friends for so many years, and he said he had the most fun times playing golf with friends after school. If he could, he’d advise his kindergarten self to always be a kind person and cherish friendships.

Fernanda Nunes

Fernanda Nunes

Fernanda Nunes – Lincoln School (Argentina), Colegio Teresiano (Brazil), The Village School

Fernanda Nunes will head to Cornell University, where she’ll study Nutritional Sciences. She’s looking forward to meeting other students who are also passionate about nutrition. Her dream job would be to work for the World Health Organization to implement required nutrition courses in high schools and medical schools. If she could, she’d tell her kindergarten self to continue to have as much fun as possible.

Harris Cooley

Harris Cooley (Senior photo: Fred Keinz)

Harris Cooley – Bunker Hill Elementary School, Memorial Middle School, Memorial High School 

Harris Cooley is excited to study Petroleum Engineering at Texas A&M University next year – the college he has wanted to go to his entire life. His dream job would be to become a famous musician. If he could, he’d tell his kindergarten self: “Have as much fun as a kid as you can.” 

Sydney Wallace

Sydney Wallace (Senior photo: Margaret Rotan Photography)

Sydney Wallace – Memorial Drive Elementary School, Spring Branch Middle School, Memorial High School

Sydney Wallace is looking forward to studying Communications and Art at the University of Georgia. Her dream job would be to work for a fashion magazine as an art director or photographer. If she could, she’d tell her kindergarten self not to stress over things you can’t control and not to take naptime for granted.

Abigail Hepburn

Abigail Hepburn (Senior photo: Monique Montoya@JOIE)

Abigail Hepburn – Grace School, Houston Christian High School  

Abigail Hepburn will head off to the University of Arkansas, where she’ll study Psychology. She’s most looking forward to joining a sorority in college. “I can't think of a better way to belong in an extended family away from home,” she says. Her dream job would be to become a child psychologist one day.

Ginger Gu

Ginger Gu

Ginger Gu – The Village School

Ginger Gu hopes to be a nurse practitioner one day, and the first step will be to study Nursing at The University of Texas at Austin. She’s most looking forward to making new friends and participating in new activities on campus. If she could, she’d tell her kindergarten self to have more self-confidence in what you do, and work hard in school.

Abbie Seay

Abbie Seay (Senior photo: Nikki Guest Photography)

Abbie Seay – The Briarwood School 

“Don’t let anyone tell you that you have to color inside the lines,” Abbie Seay would tell her kindergarten self. She’d also advise her younger self to appreciate watching cartoons during breakfast in the mornings. Next year, she’s heading to Texas Tech University where she’ll study Human Development and Family Studies. Her dream job is to become a Child Life Specialist.

Abdullah Dowaihy

Abdullah Dowaihy

Abdullah Dowaihy – Dar al Aloum (Saudi Arabia), Alexander-Smith Academy

Abdullah Dowaihy would tell his younger self: “Be independent, be yourself, and keep your head high and stay strong in the face of adversities.” He’ll study Political Science in college at the University of Houston. He’s most looking forward to building upon his skills in college.

Louis Oviedo II

Louis Oviedo II

Louis Oviedo II – St. Ambrose Catholic School, St. Pius X High School

Louis Oviedo II is heading to Schreiner University in the fall to study Business. He’s most looking forward to being a member of the Schreiner University Shooting Team (clay shooting), and his dream job would be to open a business specializing in high-end shooting gear in conjunction with a clay-shooting complex. If he could advise his kindergarten self, he would remind himself to be organized and not to procrastinate.

Jaret Prothro

Jaret Prothro

Jaret Prothro – Second Baptist School

Jaret Prothro will study Biomedical Engineering when he begins college at Johns Hopkins University this fall. He would start instilling in his kindergarten self the importance of time management; he believes the earlier one can start putting it into practice, the better. Next year, he’s most looking forward to having more unstructured time to do whatever he wants to do – he realizes he’ll have to use his time wisely, but he’s looking forward to the opportunity to deciding what to do with his time.

Madeleine Flanders

Madeleine Flanders (Senior photo: Joie Photography)

Madeleine Flanders – Dhahran Hills School (Dhahran, Saudi Arabia), Houston Christian High School 

When Madeleine Flanders was in first grade, she was asked to draw a picture of what she wanted to be when she grew up. She drew herself driving a bus with cats and dogs hanging their heads out the windows. On the side of the bus were the words: Knick Knack Paddy Whack, Give a Pet a Home. To this day, she dreams of becoming a veterinarian and spending time providing free vet care in remote areas for those who can’t afford healthcare for pets. Studying Animal Science (Pre-Veterinary Studies) at Texas A&M University will be the first step to achieving her dream.

LIndsay Brink

LIndsay Brink (Senior photo: Madison Heeg)

Lindsay Brink – River Oaks Elementary School, Duchesne Academy of the Sacred Heart

Lindsay Brink will head to the University of Georgia to study Political Science. She hopes to become a lawyer one day. Lindsay is looking forward to meeting new people, becoming involved in many activities, learning about things she’s passionate about and continuing to play tennis. If she could, she’d tell her younger self: “Never let anyone stop you from doing what you’re passionate about in life.”

Emily Pedrick

Emily Pedrick (Senior photo: Margaret Rotan Photography)

Emily Pedrick – Annunciation Orthodox School, St. John’s School 

Emily Pedrick is heading to Columbia University in the fall to study Biology. Her dream job would be head of pediatrics at a hospital. She’s most looking forward to “learning as much as possible” in college and, if she could give her kindergarten self any advice, she’d say: “Never give up on your dreams.”

Ella Morgan

Ella Morgan (Senior photo: Margaret Rotan Photography)

Ella Morgan – West University Elementary School, The Kinkaid School

Ella Morgan is heading to Boston University, where she’ll study Communications. Her dream job would be an editor of a fashion/music magazine one day. She’s most looking forward to being on her own in a new city with new people next year. “BU is a city school so I think I’ll learn a lot about myself and be able to grow a lot in four years,” she says. If she could chat with her kindergarten self, she’d tell her: “Blame your brother for everything.”

Katherine Hasley

Katherine Hasley (Senior photo: Cindy Crofford)

Katherine Hasley – Annunciation Orthodox School, St. John’s School

Katherine Hasley will attend Washington University in St. Louis this fall as part of the Olin Business School, studying Marketing and Finance. She’s most looking forward to taking interesting classes in college and being on Wash U’s track team. If she could, she’d tell her kindergarten self: “Enjoy the ride. It went by a lot faster than anticipated.”

Kiarah Parrales

Kiarah Parrales

Kiarah Parrales – Corpus Christi Catholic School, Incarnate Word Academy

Kiarah Parrales will head to the University of Houston this fall to study Political Science. She dreams of opening a law firm in Houston and being a family lawyer. “I want to defend children and families from abandonment and abuse,” she says. In college, she’s most looking forward to building new friendships and learning from her own mistakes. If she could, she’d advise her kindergarten self to stop staying up till 3 a.m. because “you won’t be getting any sleep later on in life.”

Catherine Craft

Catherine Craft (Senior photo: Margaret Rotan Photography)

Catherine Craft – St. John’s School, River Oaks Baptist School, Saint Thomas’ Episcopal School 

Catherine Craft’s dream job is to work for an intergovernmental organization such as the United Nations or a non-governmental organization such as Amnesty International to “make a difference regarding human rights.” She will begin the next chapter of her life at Texas Christian University and will study Political Science – International Relations. If she could, she’d advise her kindergarten self to be kind to everyone and make friends with many people “because that is definitely the best way to navigate life,” she says.

Tori Brooks

Tori Brooks (Senior photo: Freeman Photography)

Tori Brooks – T.H. Rogers School, Alexander-Smith Academy

Tori Brooks will study Mechanical Engineering at the University of Houston this fall. She’s looking forward to being in a new kind of school environment. If she could, she’d tell her kindergarten self to continue working hard through life’s obstacles.

Kate Steelman

Kate Steelman (Senior photo: Marlo Wise Photography)

Kate Steelman – Grace School, Second Baptist School

Kate Steelman will go to Texas A&M University where she plans to major in Allied Health. She’s most looking forward to the football games at Kyle Field as an Aggie. Her dream job would be to become a travel nurse, where she could serve people through medicine and travel all over the world. If she could, she’d urge her kindergarten self to take naps – “you won’t have time to sleep when you are older,” she’d say.

Elizabeth Berquist

Elizabeth Berquist (Senior photo: Ben Guidry)

Elizabeth Berquist – West University Elementary School, Presbyterian School, St. Agnes Academy

Elizabeth Berquist will study Neuroscience at Indiana University Bloomington and hopes to become a neurosurgeon one day. She’s most looking forward to meeting new people, taking new classes, independence and starting a new chapter in life. If she could, she’d tell her younger self to be proud of herself while also being supportive of those around her. “Make as many friends as possible,” she’d say. “And keep reading!”

Mary Kate Theroux

Mary Kate Theroux

Mary Kate Theroux – Villa Victoria Academy (N.J.), Incarnate Word Academy

Mary Kate Theroux is looking forward to being in a new part of the country when she starts college at the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, where she can experience new things – such as all four seasons – meet new people, and discover herself. She plans to study Mathematics. She doesn’t have a specific dream job, but she knows that “I want to spend my life working as an aide to others, and do something that will add significant value to society.” If she could, she’d urge her kindergarten self to take advantage of naptime. 

Paula DeAnda

Paula DeAnda

Paula DeAnda – Roberts Elementary School, Pin Oak Middle School, Carnegie Vanguard High School

Paula DeAnda will head off to Wellesley College next year to study Astrophysics. She’s most looking forward to “meeting some amazing young women and experiencing a ‘real winter’” next year. If she could, she’d tell her kindergarten self to “grow out the bangs and play outside more.”

Allison Taffet

Allison Taffet (Senior photo: Jian Liang)

Allison Taffet – Mark Twain Elementary School, Lanier Middle School, Saint Thomas’ Episcopal School

Allison Taffett will head to Rice University in the fall to study Biology and English. Her dream job is to become a professor and an author. If she could, she’d advise her younger self to take advantage of the time to read and learn new things because “you’ll never have that much free time again.” She’s most looking forward to “everything about Rice” including the opportunity to study abroad.

Eli Melendrez

Eli Melendrez (Senior photo: Marilia Sampaio)

Eli Melendrez – Condit Elementary School, Saint Thomas’ Episcopal School

If Eli Melendrez could talk to his younger self, he would advise him to be more open-minded. “When I was little I had a very narrow view of what it meant to be smart or cool, and thought that only specific types of people could be those things.” He says. “Now I realize that you can be cool or smart in a variety of different ways and that creativity arises from our differences, not our similarities.” Next year, he’s looking forward to having more freedom and taking on more responsibilities. He’s heading to The University of Texas at Austin to study Architecture. It’s his dream to open his own architecture firm one day. 

Clarise Trinh

Clarise Trinh (Senior photo: Angela Liu)

Clarise Trinh – Herod Elementary School, T.H. Rogers School, Bellaire High School 

Clarise Trinh wants to become a doctor one day, possibly a surgeon, and dreams of potentially joining Doctors without Borders and serving overseas. In the fall, she’ll head to Rice University to study Biochemistry and Cell Biology. If she could chat with her kindergarten self, she’d advise herself to sleep more (in hopes that it’d help her grow taller, she says). Next year, she’s most looking forward to “meeting new people and embracing Rice’s awesome student community.”

Ben Schwierking

Ben Schwierking (Senior photo: Prestige Portraits) 

Ben Schwierking – Mark Twain Elementary School, Lanier Middle School, Bellaire High School

Ben Schwierking will head to The University of Texas at Austin next year and will study Petroleum Engineering. He’s looking forward to watching all the UT football home games at the Texas Memorial Stadium, which is only a few steps away from his dorm. If he could advise his kindergarten self, he’d say: “Keep in mind the things that matter the most: God, friends, and family.”

Will Symonds

Will Symonds (Senior photo: Ryan Flores)

Will Symonds – Parker Elementary School, Lanier Middle School, Westbury Christian School

“Put yourself out there and try everything you can,” Will Symonds would tell his kindergarten self. In the fall, he’ll held to Trinity University, where he’ll study Business Administration. He’s most looking forward to playing football and making new relationships.

Brittany Hitt

Brittany Hitt (Senior photo: Kim Splendid Photography)

Brittany Hitt – Oyster Creek Elementary School, Poe Elementary School, Lanier Middle School, Cinco Ranch Junior High School, Bellaire High School

Brittany Hitt will study Computer Engineering at The University of Texas at San Antonio next fall. She dreams of being the CEO of a major software engineering company one day. She’s most looking forward to the independence and “increase in maturity that comes along with college” she says. If she could give her kindergarten self some advice, she’d say: “Be nice to everyone because you never know what may be going on in someone’s life.”

Claudel Tilong

Claudel Tilong

Claudel Tilong – St. Thomas More Parish School, St. Agnes Academy

Since Claudel Tilong was 4 years old, she’s been a Tiger (St. Agnes) and now she’s excited to become an Eagle at the University of North Texas, where she’ll take on International Studies. She’s most looking forward to meeting new people in a new city next year. If she could, she’d tell her younger self to pursue her passions, such as music and art, and study hard. “You’re capable of so much,” she’d say. Her dream job is to be a musician and actress, and she hopes to somehow merge music and politics in her life.

Gabby Harwood

Gabby Harwood

Gabby Harwood – St. Cecilia Catholic School, The Tenney School

Gabby Harwood will study Music Production at The Los Angeles Film School, and is most looking forward to “being in a city where the music business is very prevalent” next year. If she could, she’d tell her kindergarten self to take things one step at a time and to actually sleep during naptime.

Katelynn Phang

Katelynn Phang

Katelynn Phang – Saint Thomas’ Episcopal School

Katelynn Phang will head to the Georgia Institute of Technology this fall and will study Biomedical Engineering. Her dream job would be to become a lead researcher in STEM cell therapies and transplants. She’s most looking forward to new opportunities in college, and the chance to manage her own time. If she could give her kindergarten self some advice, she’d say: “Take more naps.”

Alyssa Barrett

Alyssa Barrett

Alyssa Barrett – St. John’s School

Alyssa Barrett has attended St. John’s School her entire life “so even though it’s a little scary,” she’s looking forward to the experience of attending a new school. She’s excited to attend Southern Methodist University and intends to study Economics and Finance; she dreams of becoming an investment banker one day. If she could, she’d tell her kindergarten self: “Always try your best, but don’t be afraid to fail.”

Paige Robbins

Paige Robbins

Paige Robbins – Condit Elementary School, Pin Oak Middle School, Bellaire High School

It’s always been Paige Robbins’ dream to attend The University of Texas at Austin. She’s been attending UT football games since she was born, and she’s excited to cheer on the Longhorns from the student section. She plans to study Special Education, and her dream is to become an Early Childhood Special Ed Teacher or Therapist. If she could, she’d encourage her younger self to spend as much time with family and friends as possible because the time really does fly by quickly. “Don’t sweat the small stuff,” she’d say. “It all works out in the end. Hook ’em!”

Hannah Moran

Hannah Moran

Hannah Moran – Longfellow Elementary School, Pershing Middle School, Bellaire High School

Hannah Moran plans to study Psychology/Criminology at the University of St. Thomas next year, and hopes to go into Forensic Psychology one day. She’s most looking forward to studying psychology in depth and having the opportunity for an internship with the criminology department. If she could, she’d tell her younger self: “When someone tells you to take a nap, Hannah, please take a nap. There isn't really enough time in the day for naps anymore.”

Bailey Hayes

Bailey Hayes

Bailey Hayes – Saint Laurence Catholic School, St. Agnes Academy

Bailey Hayes currently works a small ice cream shop, Maggie Moo’s, which she says is her favorite place in the world besides home. She’s never viewed her job as a “job” because she loves it. In the future, she wants to feels just as excited to go to work every day, which is why she intends to major in Entrepreneurship at Loyola University Chicago. She’s most looking forward to gaining the tools in college to pursue her dream of owning her own business one day. If she could, she’d encourage her kindergarten self to enjoy naptime.  

Find out where more local grads are heading - and contribute to, if you haven’t yet – our annual database of college-bound Buzz-area seniors. Also, read about some of the teachers that inspired these graduates along the way, plus some of their funniest moments from high school.

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