Mailbag - March 2019

Ruth Steinfeld, Bill Orlin and Anna Steinberger, here (from left) at Holocaust Museum Houston, continue to share their stories from the Holocaust. (Photo:
Treasuring survivors
Thanks so much for your profile of Houston's Holocaust survivors and museum [Houston’s Holocaust Survivors: And the museum that shares their stories, by Russell Weil, January 2019]. These people and this organization are treasures.
Was so delighted to make the acquaintance of two elderly neighborhood survivors when our young family moved to Woodshire in the ’90s. Both gentlemen were quite the characters, full of life, wit and wisdom. One, Mr. Littman, kindly agreed to be interviewed for my son's fourth-grade history project. I miss visiting with Mr. Mike and Mr. Littman during their erstwhile walks through the neighborhood, conversing, arguing, reminiscing and making this a wonderful place to raise my family.
Joyce Sauter
Importance of remembering
As I read this month's "Editor’s Note" [January 2019] written by my friend, Joni [Hoffman], the range of emotions I experienced were relief, embarrassment and guilt, to name just a few. I, too, have never been to the Holocaust Museum Houston. It is an admission that I am not proud of on any level. I have been to the museum in Washington D.C., but not in my own hometown for the very reason that Joni stated: "I don't want to be depressed today." After reading Russell Weil's compelling article, along with the personal accounts of the featured survivors, I plan to rectify this situation by going on one of Russell's tours of the museum ASAP. I truly believe that 2019 will begin a more meaningful and memorable year having done so. A heartfelt thanks to all involved in this month's very emotional and significant articles.
Neidra Davis
Love the love stories
Sam and I want to thank you for the honor and privilege of appearing in the February issue of The Buzz [Love Stories: Two couples going the distance, by Jennifer Oakley, February 2019]. Our story is truly a love story. Working with all of you was a joy. The issue will go with all of our special keepsakes.
We have had so many calls and emails as a result of the article. All contained compliments and best wishes for our 60th anniversary.
We never miss reading the Buzz from cover to cover every month. Thanks again and best wishes for a wonderful magazine.
Roxanne and Samuel Gold
Rumor has it…
Many thanks for the article regarding my friend, Terrie Straughan, who celebrated her 80th birthday at six different birthday parties [Rumor Has It: Six birthday parties, by Sharon Albert Brier, The Memorial Buzz and The Tanglewood/River Oaks Buzz, February 2019]. Terri is a grand lady who is well deserving of the honor! I, too, was similarly honored in your November 2018 issue regarding my recent marriage [Rumor Has It: Whirlwind Romance, by Sharon Albert Brier, The Memorial Buzz and The Tanglewood/River Oaks Buzz]. I was totally surprised by the numerous telephone calls received from by friends who read the article. There are many folks “out there” who are enjoying reading your magazine. Keep up the good work!
Charlene Horton Boyd
Big city, small town
Since my picture with my grandson appeared in the magazine [Holiday Heirlooms, by Annie Blaylock McQueen, December 2018], I have received so many calls and emails from friends who saw it. I was shopping in Kroger this morning and ran into four friends, each of whom told me they saw the picture and read the story! I know that I look forward to receiving the magazine each month to read what my neighbors are doing since I always know someone featured in a story. Thanks for making me feel like I live in a small town!
Olivia Fisher
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