Photo Contest

Amanda Sorena

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Photos appearing in

  • Baby Shoe Ornaments

    Amanda Sorena and her mom, Karen Johnson, hold family heirloom baby shoe ornaments. Karen came up with the idea when Amanda and her sister were little. Now, Amanda carries on the tradition with her own children. 

    From: O Christmas Tree: Stories that Won't Leave You Hanging
  • Backyard wedding

    TRUE LOVE When the quarantine dashed plans, Amanda Sorena pulled off a backyard wedding for her sister, Kaitlin. From left: Karen and Richard Johnson; Amanda and Joseph Sorena with children Sophia, Michael and Angelina; bride and groom Matthew and Kaitlin Truelove; Dana and Brian Truelove; and Annabelle and James Truelove. (Photo: Annie Mulligan)

    From: Backyard Wedding
  • TRIng Moms

    TRIng Moms (Photo: Scott Eastman)

    From: Moms who Tri
  • Bellaire Area Mothers of Multiples

    Members of the Bellaire Area Mothers of Multiples gathered for the GAN gala. (Top row, from left) Lagenia Clark, Rachel Clarke, Jane Shoppell, Dawn Ledgerwood, Amanda Sorena, Karen Barnett. (Bottom row, from left) Candy Lillibridge, Tiffany Morissette, Leslie Wubbenhorst and Lorelei Rao. (Photo: Kraitman Photography)

    From: Glam for GAN Gala
  • Jessica Littlejohn-Knox, Amanda Sorena, Michelle LaBombera, Christi Megow and Bonnie Bibeau

    Jessica Littlejohn-Knox, Amanda Sorena, Michelle LaBombera, Christi Megow and Bonnie Bibeau (from left) were part of a group that gathered at Godwin Park after the flood to collect donations and help flood victims. The event was one of many organized on Facebook groups. (Photo:

    From: The Flood and Facebook
  • (From left) Jessica Littlejohn-Knox, Amanda Sorena, Michelle LaBombera, Christi Megow, Bonnie Bibeau

    (From left) Jessica Littlejohn-Knox, Amanda Sorena, Michelle LaBombera, Christi Megow, Bonnie Bibeau volunteering to help flood victims this morning. They gathered at Godwin Park. (Photo:

    From: Events Roundup: Volunteer opportunities this weekend