2024 Pet of the Year Contest

Jan Bres

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  • Meg Bres, Jan Bres, Kate Bres

    Meg Bres, Jan Bres, and Kate Bres (Photo: Priscilla Dickson)

    From: Laughter is the best medicine
  • Jan Bres, Meg Bres

    JAN AND MEG Since Tom Bres passed away in 2015, his wife Jan and daughter Meg have been active supporters of The Broach Foundation for Brain Cancer Research. (Photo: lawellphoto.com)

    From: Concert for a Cause
  • Tom Bres, Meg Bres, Jan Bres, Kate Bres

    FAMILY MEMORIES A close-knit family, Tom, Meg, Jan, and Kate Bres enjoyed laughter and music together. (Photo: Reece Foy)

    From: Concert for a Cause
  • Meg Bres, Jan Bres, Kate Bres

    Meg Bres, Jan Bres, and Kate Bres (Photo: Priscilla Dickson)

    From: Taking a stand for brain cancer
  • Houstonians at Nationals Park

    This group of Houstonians attended World Series Game 5 together at Nationals Park. Pictured here are (bottom row): Steve Gibson, Jan Bres and Mike Metz, (middle row) Kate Gibson, Caroline Gibson, Carson Gibson, Kate Bres and Meg Bres; (top row) Andy Ogburn, Sam Casscells and Landon Weis. 

    From: Traveling Astros Fans Ready to Bring it Home
  • Divas

    ESPN-sponsored fantasy football league members, “Mav Moms,” compete for a $500 prize at season’s end. Pictured (from left) are Barbie Horowitz, Jan Bres, manager Julie Griffin, Jeannette Baker, Kate Gibson, Kelly Labanowski, Carol Smith, Daphne Bernicker, Maria Ainbinder and Wendy Askew. (Photo: www.scottkohn.com)

    From: Drafting Divas