Photo Contest

Jason Fuller

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Photos appearing in

  • Gene Kranz, Jason Fuller,

    Gene Kranz (on left), Apollo 11 Flight Director, (he is wearing the white vest in the actual film footage) with Jason Fuller (on right). In the movie, one of the NASA officials who recruits Stan is named “Kranz” in honor of Gene.  

    From: Apollo 10 ½: A Love Letter to Houston and the Summer of ’69
  • Section 120 Fan Club

    Random fans jumping in on the selfie fun, plus Sabrina Blinderman, Kate Hale, Jay Blinderman, Tracy Hale, Leo Vasquez, Jason Fuller, John Jackson, SuZanne Feather. 

    From: Section 120 Fan Club
  • Lynnae Willette and Jason Fuller

    Lynnae Willette and Jason Fuller having a grand time in the grandstands during the 135th Kentucky Derby in 2009. 

    From: Derby Days