Jennifer Keishin Armstrong
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Article Mentions
By Cindy Burnett |
March 31, 2022
People in this article:
Cindy Burnett, Paulina Bren, Grace Kelly, Liza Minnelli, Ali McGraw, Sylvia Plath, Joan Didion, Phylicia Rashad, Dava Sobel, Katherine Johnson, Anna Malaika Tubbs, Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, James Baldwin, Alberta King, Louise Little, Berdis Baldwin, Jennifer Keishin Armstrong, Irna Phillips, Betty White, Gertrude Berg, Hazel Scott
By Cindy Burnett |
April 8, 2021
People in this article:
Elizabeth Barnhill, Cindy Burnett, Paulina Bren, Grace Kelly, Liza Minnelli, Ali McGraw, Sylvia Plath, Joan Didion, Phylicia Rashad, Julia Cooke, Julia Sweig, Lady Bird Johnson, Lyndon Johnson, Anna Malaika Tubbs, Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, James Baldwin, Alberta King, Louise Little, Berdis Baldwin, Jennifer Keishin Armstrong, Irna Phillips, Betty White, Gertrude Berg, Hazel Scott, Olivia Campbell, Elizabeth Blackwell, Lizzie Garret Anderson, Sophie Jex-Blake