Photo Contest

Kari Greenwalt

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Photos appearing in

  • Allison Redepenning, Carol Tindall, Molly Fraser, Rebecca Matthews, Kari Greenwalt, Chris Cander, Christy Heno, Lynne Goddard, Heather Bradshaw, Judy Budnik, Hillery Keith

    WHERE FRIENDSHIPS GROW Allison Redepenning, Carol Tindall, Molly Fraser, Rebecca Matthews, Kari Greenwalt, Chris Cander, Christy Heno, Lynne Goddard, Heather Bradshaw, Judy Budnik and Hillery Keith (from left) keep their friendships alive with regular visits on Christy’s porch. (Photo: Pooja Salhotra)

    From: The Porch is Open
  • Vixens

    The "Vanderbilt Vixens" in West University recently started gathering; they're adding new members all the time. Front row, from left: Millie Sall, Karen Craft, Wendy Schiller, Kristine Klavers, Ann Malcolm, Lauren Burke. Second row, from left: Joann Philpott, Amanda Dearborn, Janet Landry, Anne Schwartz, Alberta Totz, Abby Ackerman, Kari Greenwalt, Kathy Butler, Cat Karmel-Tawa, Patricia Hammond, Nancy Talkington.

    From: Block Parties

Photos appearing in