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Judy Budnik

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  • Scott Budnik, Judy Budnik, Kathy Westmoreland, Kay Jones

    Scott and Judy Budnik, Kathy Westmoreland, Kay Jones. (Photo: Dee Zunker Photography)

    From: Farewell to the Chief: Honoring Byron Holloway’s 45 Years Serving Bellaire
  • Porch on Zoom

    On Wednesday evening, this group of friends who usually gather on Christy Heno’s front porch instead had a virtual hangout using Zoom. Pictured in this screenshot are: (top row, from left) Carol Tindall, Chris Cander, Heather Bradshaw and Lynne Goddard; (middle row, from left) Molly Fraser, Judy Budnik, Christy Heno and Rebecca Matthew; (bottom row, from left) Allison Redepenning and Hillery Keith. Not pictured but on the call were Cindy Lillard and Kari Greenwalt. 

    From: The Porch Goes Virtual
  • Allison Redepenning, Carol Tindall, Molly Fraser, Rebecca Matthews, Kari Greenwalt, Chris Cander, Christy Heno, Lynne Goddard, Heather Bradshaw, Judy Budnik, Hillery Keith

    WHERE FRIENDSHIPS GROW Allison Redepenning, Carol Tindall, Molly Fraser, Rebecca Matthews, Kari Greenwalt, Chris Cander, Christy Heno, Lynne Goddard, Heather Bradshaw, Judy Budnik and Hillery Keith (from left) keep their friendships alive with regular visits on Christy’s porch. (Photo: Pooja Salhotra)

    From: The Porch is Open