Photo Contest

Susan Sample

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Article Mentions

Photos appearing in

  • The Citizens Academy program

    The Citizens Academy program

    From: Learning the city ropes
  • Susan White, Dave Beach, Sofia Thompson, David Crow, Caroline Cozart, Caroline Larsson, Susan Sample, Anne Marie Thompson, Ellie Egan

    A Brownie troop created a Little Free Library at the Jennie Elizabeth Hughes Park in West U. Pictured are (from left) West U Parks and Recreation Director Susan White, West U City Manager Dave Beach, Sofia Thompson, David Crow, Caroline Cozart, Caroline Larsson, troop leaders Mayor Susan Sample and Anne Marie Thompson, and Ellie Egan.

    From: Little Free Libraries
  • Susan Sample

    West University Mayor, Susan Sample, (center) on the field with her flute. In honor of their New Orleans based opponent, Tulane University, MOB members dressed in French Quarter attire. (Photo: Wiley Sanders)

    From: For the Blue and Gray: Fans of Rice Football
  • 2019 Star Citizens Awards and Friends Appreciation Luncheon

    2019 Star Citizens Awards and Friends Appreciation Luncheon

    From: Star citizens
  • Mayor Susan Sample, Amanda Hollie, and Wanda Holman

    Mayor Susan Sample, Amanda Hollie, and Wanda Holman

    From: Breakfast on the run
  • Sarah Davis, Mardi Turner, Burt Ballanfant, Susan Sample, Brennan Reilly, Bob Kelly

    Council members Mardi Turner and Burt Ballanfant, Mayor Susan Sample, Davis, council member Brennan Reilly and Mayor Pro Tem Bob Kelly

    From: Award-winning
  • Honorees

    West University Place Star Citizen Awards honorees

    From: Outstanding residents