Photo Contest

Cara Adams

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Photos appearing in

  • Cara Adams

    Cara Adams (Photo: Laura Crosta)

    From: A care package for Uvalde
  • group of local volunteers

    Cara Adams and a group of local volunteers dropped off food and other supplies to a senior living center in Sharpstown. (Photo: Courtesy of Cara Adams)

    From: Hang In There, Houston
  • Cara Adams, Lanie Henry and Keri Henry

    Cara Adams, Lanie Henry and Keri Henry load the Henry’s car with cases of water to donate. (Photo: Courtesy of Cara Adams)

    From: Hang In There, Houston
  • Texas Relief Warriors

    Cara Adams set up a nonprofit called Texas Relief Warriors to provide help after crises like Hurricane Laura. Pictured are (from left) America Gussett, Nicole Lopez-Cummins and Cara.

    From: Texas relief warriors
  • Cara Adams, Victoria Shaar, Shad Shaar

    Cara Adams, who used to show her goats at the rodeo while growing up in Houston, helped create a Facebook page to connect rodeo vendors with buyers. Here, she’s pictured at the rodeo with her daughter Victoria Shaar and husband Shad Shaar. 

    From: Houstonians Rally to Support Rodeo Vendors
  • Hurricane Moms Memorial

    Project Memorial and Hurricane Moms Memorial planned a lunch at Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church for women impacted by the hurricane. Pictured are volunteers (back row, from left) Kate Ghazi, Heather Willard, Mary Margaret Brollier, Tanya Everts, Justin Robinson, Jennifer Ferguson, Lanie Towsley, Mariana Pettene; (middle row, from left) Natalie Sims, Amanda Weber, Shannon Robinson, Lindsay Alleman, Anna Wu; (bottom row, from left) Susan Oliver, Elizabeth Maberry, Cara Adams, Kylie Hoke and Allison Piper. (Photo: KGotham Photography) 

    From: Inspiring hope after Harvey
  • Event organizers

    Event organizers (from left) Katie Mehnert, Shannon Robinson, Maria Sotolongo, Brittany Haley, Cara Adams and Allison Piper stand on stage before the screening of CHANGED: When the Dams Were Released(Photo: Dylan Aguilar) 

    From: Celebrating Harvey’s Heroes
  • Allison Piper, Greg Travis, Cara Adams, Maria Sotolongo, Katie Mehnert

    Allison Piper, Greg Travis, Cara Adams, Maria Sotolongo and Katie Mehnert (Photo: Dylan Aguilar) 

    From: Celebrating Harvey’s Heroes
  • Brittany Haley, Shannon Robinson, Cara Adams, Maria Sotolongo, Allison Piper, Katie Mehnert, Greg Travis

    Brittany Haley, Shannon Robinson, Cara Adams, Maria Sotolongo, Allison Piper, Katie Mehnert and Greg Travis (Photo: Dylan Aguilar) 


    From: Celebrating Harvey’s Heroes
  • Dedicating the benches

    Cara Adams, the creator of the Facebook page Hurricane Moms That Need Help Memorial and Shannon Robinson, the creator of Project Memorial, dedicated benches that will be placed along Buffalo Bayou in honor of the “Westside Harvey Heroes.” 

    From: Celebrating Harvey’s Heroes