Mailbag - January 2021

Will and Abercrombie Flavus XIV look quite dapper after a ride about West University. (Photo:
A fan of the Jaunty Jalopy
As a native Detroiter and antique-car fan, I really enjoyed your October 2020 article [The Jaunty Jalopy, by Cathy Gordon, October 2020]. I think all the teachers should spend a little classroom time discussing that article, as it shows a person with drive and perseverance can do a lot. It also shows the power of imagination combined with technology, as evidenced by how cars have changed over the past years.
Tom Roth
Editor’s note: We are so glad you enjoyed the article on the Rice family’s Ford Model T. If you’re a lover of antique cars, you’ll also want to take a look at our December 2020 story on the Cochran family’s 1955 Chevrolet truck. If you can’t find your print magazine, see, where you can find all our current and past stories.
An extraordinary man
My many thanks to Cathy Gordon for her article in The Buzz October 2020 issue about the incredible Dr. Rex Marco [When Life Has Other Plans, by Cathy Gordon, October 2020]! He is such an amazing man and doctor, and it is beyond heartbreaking that his biking accident has rendered him a quadriplegic. I can think of few things that are more tragic and unfair! Cathy did a wonderful job communicating to us readers just how special, caring, and incredible a person Dr. Marco is, and I believe he will continue to find ways to help people even in his current circumstance. Thanks again for writing about him and sharing details about his many kindnesses in his past medical practice. Surely a man as extraordinary as Dr. Marco will continue to thrive and contribute to countless individuals, using his many gifts in ways as yet unknown to all of us.
Gayle K. Randol
Actually, an LPC
I have to ask a favor. I misspoke when I said Glenda is a clinical psychologist – she is not [Gifts of the Magi, by Jennifer Oakley, December 2020]. Glenda holds under-grad degrees in psychology and a master’s degree, with honors, in clinical psychology. To be described as a "clinical psychologist," she would have to have a Ph.D. Legally and ethically, she is an LPC – a licensed professional counselor. Could you put a small correction in the next issue of the magazine? It is my error entirely, not yours.
John Rice
Editor’s note: Thanks much for the clarification, John. We have updated the online version of the story.
Solicitor of stories
May I please commend Andria as a joyful solicitor of stories, as a writer, and as an editor [’Tis the Season, by Andria Frankfort, December 2020]. As someone who has done a variety of writing and editing, I appreciate very much how she took my creative and very personal writing (I went to town on the recipe!) and told our story in an engaging and personal way, perfectly suited to an upbeat, community-centered magazine.
Joy Yeager
Not so fast
People here in southwest Houston have been leaving and flocking, for example, to out of state into the mountains of Colorado or out of the country to Tulum in Mexico as referenced in your last monthly publication [Travel Buzz: Mexico: To stay or go, by Tracy L. Barnett, December 2020]. They go thinking they are safer, and they can get away from the contagion of Covid-19. Well, not so fast, as [this] article references. [The article on describes a four-day art and music festival in Tulum, Mexico, as a “superspreader event.”] It just states the obvious. The more people gather together, the faster it spreads.
Roman Reed
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