Mailbag - April 2021

WE ARE FAMILY Melinda Abell, Cynthia Lange, Sam McBirney, Kelley Austin, Brian Austin, Helene Brechan (from left, in back), and Axel Brechan and Wesley Parker (in front) are some of the many neighbors who love life in Riverbend. (Photo:
Loved tale of beloved neighborhood
We sure are hearing loads of compliments on the special article written on our beloved Riverbend [Growing Up in Riverbend, by Michelle Casas Groogan, February 2021]. Whether friends have walked our streets with us, or have just heard how we gather and enjoy one another, it has been very fun to hear from our friends and family.
My father, George Allen, was really touched by all the sentiment of a very special place close to his heart, and especially because he and Wesley Parker were fraternity brothers and share a special friendship!
Melinda Abell
Story helps Beatlemaniacs unite
Judy and I just wanted to mention how much fun we have had sharing our passion with everyone, especially fellow Beatlemaniacs [Love, Love Me Do, by Cathy Gordon, February 2021]. Thanks to Cathy Gordon and the entire staff over at The Buzz, we have connected with many new friends and have rekindled many friendships with those we have lost touch many years ago. We have been able to share many stories and have scheduled a few walk-throughs of the collection with fellow Beatles fans. It is always good to be able to share “Peace and Love.”
We have been in touch with folks from Houston to Chicago to New York and Liverpool! In fact, we are in the infant stages of discussing an eventual pop-up museum. This would be in the interest of fundraising for the arts and special causes, and as you can “Imagine,” this will take a lot of work and a bit of time. Thanks once again to our friends at The Buzz who allowed us to bring out our FAB spirit for everyone to enjoy!
Alex Fazzino
Out looking for art now
Thanks and congratulations to Meg Scott on the fantastic article about the Mini Murals [Art in the Street, by Meg Scott, March 2021]. I received so many comments from friends who saw our photos. They were so excited to know someone in the magazine. A few had not paid attention to the Mini Murals before, and I'm sure they'll enjoy spotting them now that they're aware of them. One friend wants to go on a bike ride around town to see a bunch.
I have appreciated all of the encouragement to get my application turned in for the next round. Arts initiatives like these break up the monotony of pandemic life. I think it's awesome that The Buzz Magazines highlighted this awesome project. All the work you do to customize each issue by neighborhood is commendable and makes the magazine very special.
Sheila Hall
Elephant column starts new friendship
My daughter Eleanor Dick wrote a Buzz Kidz article [The West University Buzz, February 2021] on her passion for elephants. We received a package from a neighbor and fellow elephant fan. The note in the package with the toy elephants read: Dear Eleanor, I had these fabulous animals (beautiful grey and purple elephant ornaments) made by a very talented artist in Europe. I believe you deserve them! I so enjoyed reading your recent article in The Buzz magazine. Keep up the great work. Yours sincerely, Mrs. Dodd
Eleanor wrote a thank you note back to her [saying that she hung the elephants on the doors of her room and thanking her for the "amazing gift"].
What a sweet gesture! Thanks to Mrs. Dodd and The Buzz.
Mary Rebecca Dick
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